Only members of Headshot Track may enter.

Tue, 03/31/2020 - 7:45pm UTC

This contest has ended.

Contest Rules and Details
  • Images must have been shot during the previous week.
  • Headshots only!
  • One entry per photographer.
  • Associates and Mentors can enter to get feedback, but their entries will not be considered when selecting the winner.
  • Click on the thumbnails below to view the images, leave comments, and rate your favorites.
  • Winner's will be chosen Live on an upcoming Crew Cast.

We are doing a creative one this week. Due to social distancing and isolation, we are going to go with a selfie.

The selfie must be taken with a mask on that is not one that could be purchased or is meant to be used by a healthcare professional. Please get as creative as you like!

It doesn't matter what you believe about whether or not we should be wearing a mask during this time, we all agree that healthcare workers should be our priority here. This is just a fun thing for us to do to mix things up and get what I'm sure will be some really interesting and entertaining photos during this difficult time. I first wore a mask on my flight from Australia back to the US. I've kept it on when I go outside because I am unsure as to whether I am infected. I don't want  to be responsible for giving it to anyone else, if it doesn't do a thing then it certainly can't hurt wearing it. My wife bought it at a hardware store a week before I left for Australia and made me take it with me. Guess I'm glad she did. 

All crew members are welcome to play on this one, that includes me, Mentors and Associates. Have fun with it PEOPLE! 

Congratulations to the winner!

Awesome job on that mask!


Shots are taken between March 30th and March 31st? That's a short timeframe.

I just entered for my first time. It was a fun project!


I'm trying to enter my own contest and it won't work!!!


That's because it's after the submission time deadline.

I missed it too! Please re-open it! :)

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