So, this was my test shot. I wanted to shoot again with a different top. I have so many more ideas and was going to shoot more this weekend, but think I have Covid 19, so needless to say, I didn't get to it. I'm doing fine, mild-ish symptoms, but weird. Never been sick quite like this. Hopefully I'll feel up to it tomorrow and see you all online. You never know with this one. They say it goes up and down. I know this isn't the forum for it, but wanted to share one tip, that I got from a friend in the UK that is also positive with Covid. CBD oil. For both of us, amazing results. I'm not a doctor, clearly, so check in with yours, but since no one is talking about it, I thought I'd share. I haven't used any other medication. Stay in, stay safe.

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1 Comment

Thanks for sharing, Gina! Healing thoughts your way. In what way and dose are you using CBD?

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