March Madness is coming PEOPLE!

Sitting in a plane about to take off from Orlando and just thinking about the next 6 weeks. It's going to be quite a ride and I know I'm going to be seeing a bunch of you!

Two Heashot Intensives(LA sold out & ChIcago close),WPPI, Apple store talk in Chicago, PhotoshopWorld in April are all going to be amazing! I can't leave out the fstoppers workshop in the Bahamas a little further down the road.

Two years ago I couldn't have imagined all this, PH2PRO is closing in on having 5000 photographers too. Wow! Actually SHABANG!

So here's the deal. I'm working out a curriculum to run you guys through in the Protege group. I've noticed the issues people continually have in their work and I want to be able to point everyone in the right direction. You'll have a weekly plan. Not the same info or level as The Headshot Intensive stuff, but a simple structure to get you up and running.

I want to be able to speak the same language with everyone on the site and this will get us all on the same page. I know I have a ton of portfolio reviews to do and the Spreecast format was pretty cool for that, so we'll be continuing that whenever my schedule allows. The system I'm putting in place should allow you to self monitor your work to make you more aware of whether you are ready for a shot at Associate.

We'll also be doing a regrouping of the Associate page. We'll begin sorting everyone by continent soon. I'm looking forward to finding quality photographers worldwide and showcasing their talent the best we can.

Lastly, I need all your help to foster a vibrant supportive community. We have our hands on a growing portion of the photo industry right now. Timing is key. We are the largest group of headshot specialists in the world and we can provide excellent service to anyone looking to improve their personal brand. There is plenty to go around, so the bigger we get the more we'll be able to use our reputation to provide a little boost in the confidence of our perspective clients that you have what it takes to take them to a completely other level just by your commitment to this illustrious group of Heashot professionals.

The name is PH2PRO, not PH2SEMIPRO PEOPLE!

So let's act like professionals and help each other to put a little extra cash in our pockets while putting a smile in our clients faces as they walk away with the best shots of their lives.

Thanks for taking the ride with me. The growth is going to go ballistic soon. Let's enjoy every minute of it.

Imagine major volume right now: SHABANG!!!!!!


PS: Taking the show on the road for July and doing Intensives in London, Stockholm and possibly one other venue. Ideas?


A M A Z I N G ! ! ! Tnks Peter.

Fantastic Peter! It is an exciting time to be a part of this amazing community for sure!!! Looking forward to seeing a lot of you in Vegas and Atlanta in the next few weeks.

I'm so proud to be a part of this community!! Can't wait for the new changes, sounds AWESOME!! 2014 BABY!

Really excited to be a party of this illustrious group of professionals! Thanks for everything, Peter! Here's to a fantastic year!!

I've been quite lately just because work has had me so busy... but I'm really looking forward to having the time freed up to re-join you all on here. Having an actual protege program to work through would be both amazing and helpful!

Exciting times!!!! Really looking forward to this year!!

Honored and excited is all I can say. I'm here for you Peter and the growth of PH2 pro.

Congratulations Peter! Your generosity to us all is giving you major karma points. I have followed your work for 2 years now and am so happy for your rise. Well deserved:) I am so grateful to be part of this awesome community and see my own work grow in addition to all my new friends!!

VERY proud to be associated with a true MASTER!!
And what a crazy schedule. Take some "you" time somewhere in there, would ya?

I've only been with this group for a yr..and without it I would not have made it this far. I'm slowly becoming more successful because of everyone of you. I know that this is just the beginning. And that by this time next yr. all of us will have started to make a reputation. And will have gained credibility in each of our markets.

I can't wait for the time to come..where everyone who already has a headshot by one of the "big name guys"..will need to get reshot by one of us..because the market will realize that our product is superior...and will become the new standard.

@Sansone, you're an Associate. You are one of the big name guys. You are the new standard. Learn it, love it, live it!

Peter, what can I say what hasn´t been said already? About a year ago I did´t even know what a headshot was supposed to be. You have changed my photographic world and I am so happy to be part of this group.
Please do keep me posted about intensives in London or Stockholm (if you are looking for other places why not Paris or Barcelona or Dubrovnik - incredible sailing there!!!) I am dying to be part of one!
@Mike - you are so right - and Michael, you too!!!!!

Time to spread the love. Peter through your teaching I am now able to see. For example in watching "the grid" in which you did blind critiques I was able predict what you would say about a photo. That is a gift which raises the bar of quality of all our work with ph2pro. Thanks.

And the man keeps giving! This is awesome to hear!! Catch you in Chicago, Peter.

Awesome, thanks for the words.

Fabulous and well deserved! Headshots International!
You have really made huge global changes in the headshot industry and helped so many of us along our professional paths and we are grateful! SHABANG - ness!

Sounds like a good plan, keep the train rolling, take some good pictures, and make some money!

PH2PRO is taking over the planet!

When you are dedicated to what you are doing, plus talented at it, then the world is yours.
Great job Peter and everyone on board of the PH2Pro plane - I am very glad I have joined this group before the global SHABANG happened!

Mate! Great idea I am ready. Am inspired by you and the community. You lift my game thank you all. Can't wait for more!

Someone's on fire! Go kill it Peter and spread that PH2 goodness around the globe.

Peter has truly opened my eyes to a different type of photography. He showed me that you need to develop a style and stick with it. Dont chase the trends. Its beginning to take off. Thanks Peter and I look forward to moving up and spreading the word! Love you guys!

Come to the Netherlands in July. I will get you in touch with the right people and of course I would love to meet you!

Headshot Intensive World Tour in 2015

NYC - Buenos Aires - Barcelona - London - Paris - Amsterdam - Copenhagen - Prague - Moscow - Dubai - New Delhi - Tokyo - Sydney - Los Angeles - Dallas - Chicago

Pretty psyched about getting a new curriculum on here. I'll be firing it up in the coming months. Hope to see some of you at Photoshop World in Atlanta next week!

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