Little Rock based Associate headshot photographer John David Pittman
Associate Photographer Associate Photographer

John David Pittman

Little Rock, AR
John David Pittman - Photographer
About John David

Little Rock photographer John David Pittman (JDP) considers anything worth doing, something worth doing passionately.

Pittman grew up in the small town of Hackett, Arkansas. He attended the University of Central Arkansas where he earned a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Communication. Having had successful careers in the fields of political consulting and sales, he decided to follow his heart in 2012. It was then that he transitioned his passion for creativity, the human condition, and photography to a full time editorial and commercial photography business in downtown Little Rock. He quickly began to draw the attention of creative decision makers locally, regionally, and nationally.

Known for a controlled sense of light and ability to work and interact with a wide range of subjects, Pittman interjects a unique sense of humanity into his portraiture. Routinely praised for being a dynamic creative partner, Pittman puts his clients at ease with his professionalism and ever present sense of humor.

Partial Client List: Popular Mechanics, Rounder Records - Nashville, Ford Motor Co., Arkansas Business Publishing Group, Arkansas Life, MSP Communications, Matthews Publishing Group, Harrison Energy Partners, First Security Bank, Sam's Club, Alliance Rubber, Pricewaterhouse Coopers, AT&T, Arkansas Repertory Theater, Caissa Public Strategy, Noble Impact, Vermont Technical College, Synthesis Dance - NYC, American Taekwondo Association, University of Central Arkansas, Exalt Education, Eric Rob & Isaac, CBS Interactive, Randall-Reilly, Team Detroit, American Red Cross