This is Mandy. She's one of the first faces I shot after figuring out that my lights were wrong for the past 4 weeks. A little twist of the lights and the world changes. Win or not, I love this picture. (But I'd still like very much to win.) Shot with the Flex Kit, EOS R and the 85mm RF.
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The lighting is lovely. What did you tweak?
Thanks. I had my lights feathering too much... essentially, pointing at each other. Struggled a lot with dark eye sockets and getting an umph out of the lighting. I decided my lighting was jacked. Started watching Peter's Lighting the Face video but it didn't have the Flex lights back then. (I don't think.. anyway. I gave up about a quarter way in.) I looked at one of the Instagram posts from the NY Intensive and he was helping someone else with the Flex Kit. I pretty much copied it and it changed my life. I just angled the lights more toward my human. Suddenly, they don't have to be up against the lights and those pesky shadows go away.
And.. it drastically reduced any post-manipulation I needed to do. This is _almost_ sooc.
Got you, thanks. Coincidentally I’m playing around in that space myself... not quite cracked it yet though.
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