West Palm Beach based Headshot photographer Chase Rossman

Chase Rossman

West Palm Beach, FL
About Chase

We love shooting headshots, for the pure reason to give you experience that will change your life!

Its all in your expression and we help coach you to the very edge, radiating your authentic confidence in your final image. There will be some laughs along the way, trust building, and some headshot gymnastics but the end goal is always the same. You leaving with a killer headshot and photo experience like no other!

I started out as as a fitness and dance photographer and still help out my clients with full branding sessions now that we have added the headshot to the offering. In each one the trust, confidence, and good emotional vibes are what we chase in every experience.

I found photography 2 years ago during trip to Iceland and Fitness became a passion after being overweight. To the two passions blended together to form my niche of photography. Dance came from just trying to capture a movement in full form, from there ive been looking at light to freeze motion.

If you are in the West Palm Beach, Florida area! Drop us a message.
