I spaced on congratulating the one the only Louis Scott on his Associate Status!

Louis put it together like you wouldn't believe and he deserves a big congratulations. I wanted to get to it before we did any reviews tonight in case we have other's joining him!

Welcome to the Associate Crew Louis!

Here's this guys work!


PS: He's got a nice new profile shot!


Congratz sir! Outstanding job!

Kick ass!!! You rocked it Louis

nice goin' Louis!...looking great! :)

Well done, Louis! Here's to continued success!!

Making San Antonio proud!!! Great job again Louis!!!

Louis, you deserve it buddy! Go get 'em!

Congratulations!!! Super work!


Louis is a cool guy. Well done Louis!

Hi Louis, I remember the first time I stayed awake for a portfolio review several months ago, it was also yours. And now you are an Associate, congrats, good job!

Congrats man! Welcome aboard! :-) Talk to you soon..


Thank you very much everyone!!!

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