HEADSHOTMANIA registration is LIVE & schedule is updated!

I launched Headshot Crew in 2011 in order to have a platform not only where I can coach photographers on how to take better pictures, but to build a worldwide referral engine that points potential clients toward talented shooters. Little did I know at that time that the crew was going to develop a life of it's own. The crew has become a tight knit community of like minded individuals fired up about taking their headshot photography to new heights. It's been quite a ride so far, I couldn't be more appreciative of the relationships formed and am so proud of the work being produced weekly by our talented HSC members. 

It really is one heck of a platform, the thing is that it's all online. We have built incredibly strong virtual relationships between our fellow HSC members and one thing I've learned is that getting a group like this off the computer and together in person is an extremely powerful thing. Hence the HEADSHOTMANIA concept was born and is coming to fruition this coming February. 

I'm striving to get this crew together in person on an annual basis to crystallize these concepts and bring the group as a whole to a higher standard in the work we do. The focus at HEASHOTMANIA will be a unique combination of technique, business, inspiration and community in order to lay the ground work for each photographer to solidify their craft so that they may give the gift of beautiful imagery to those lucky enough to set foot in front of their lens. 

From beginners to advanced pros looking to ignite their portraiture while having one heck of a time this is for you. Imagine 3 fun filled days in an intimate environment soaking up valuable information from those that are out there getting the job done. We've compiled a dream team of instructors that have not only shown their talents off by churning out amazing work by representing the Headshot Crew as Associate Photographers, but generously volunteered their time to help their fellow members within the coaching program granting them HSC Mentor status.

Enroll today in order to get 2 free months of Headshot Crew Coaching and our Early Bird Special of $200 off a HEADSHOTMANIA conference pass.(valid until 10/1/17) For details and more information click the link below. We will be adding course descriptions and other valuable info shortly. Feel free to contact me at any time with questions at info@headshotcrew.com. 





Looks awesome and those are clever instructor handles lol

Hell yeah! Time to play the game people!

I cannot hammer home enough what meeting everyone in person means.Before I went to WPPI last year, I was already psyched about being a part of the crew.
Then I met and hung out with a bunch of crew members for a few days. I came home more fired up than I have been in a long time.
I can't wait to see you all there!
Have a nice day!

I'm already signed up...can't wait!

I am signed up and have my room reserved.

i have been fortunate enough to meet three mentors (at the Intensive in San Francisco) , but I am looking forward to meeting even more mentors, and as many Associates as will be there.

The social aspects, for me, are just as important as what I might learn, or maybe even more. The camaraderie of the Headshot Crew is amazing. As Ben pointed out, meeting them in person makes a difference.

And since there is no danger of getting seasick, having it at a resort is right up my alley.

One of the biggest things about something like Headshot Mania is that we can all talk shop. We're all at different levels in our career. A lot of us learned the hard way by trial and error. What's more valuable then being able to move past some of the hurdles and errors without having to go through them? That's why I was thrilled to see not only a track for improving people photography but also a track for improving your business and getting more people through the door. Man I can't wait!

Registered, reserved room, and bought airline ticket. On the Crewcast, there were overall budget inquires so I'll share mine here. Palm Springs is a popular destination from Seattle so flights are plentiful. I believe I heard airport to resort transportation is covered so set that at zero.

One can easily spend more or less on food and booze than I put in; my budget is a middle ground.

Just over half of the investment is made now, so I'l need about $900 more in February.

I wasn't going to go because we are spending Christmas in France and I want to go to Jackson Hole in mid-February. France is already booked, so Jackson Hole may have to drop from the schedule; however, I know I'll learn a lot and enjoy the comradery of many Headshot Crew members I've seen on the Crewcasts.

Sidebar: Damn, it's been maybe five or six years since I was last in Jackson Hole, so I hope I can swing it too. My next visit to Jackson Hole is my 16th or 17th visit there. Almost every visit in February, there is a superb ski hill (my favorite, right up there with Chamonix).

With the two months of additional Headshot Crew membership, I'm good until December 2018 :).

Suzanne and I met at an Intensive in NYC, so it will be nice to reconnect in person. Ben better be tall or I'll never believe anything I hear on a Crewcast again.

Thanks for signing up and posting Mike! We've got a lot in store that is soon to be released on the site. Get that Winner's Image going and go nail some extra headshot work so you can hit Jackson Hole as well!

You are somewhat addicting. I have Caren Morris lined up for the next Intensive that is in the West. She doesn't want to go to Chicago or NYC. Vancouver, California, Rocky Mtns. all good for her.

I had her sit with me to watch last Tuesday's Crewcast and have talking about you non-stop for three years. She and I help each other by second shooting and assisting each other, plus refer to each other. Similar to how John Tiscornia work. Ollie and I have been connecting each other too.

Caren is saving her cash for an Intensive - Intensified rather than the Mania. I tried.

I'm not headed west until July. Only doing intensive's in NYC unless I'm sailing somewhere.

Will keep Caren posted and push her to NYC if possible. Will get her to join HC regardless.

What convinced me is that I know I'll learn enough to improve and earn more, so the investment is good for my business. In the three plus years I've been learning with you, my work has improved so much that headshots are now over half of my income.

I was hoping for the ski trip this year, meeting cousins in Jackson Hole; however, the business comes first. They are going the same week as Mania. Bummer, but I need to push the business harder.

Annnnnnnd just registered. Thought about how I'd feel scrolling through posts from the event from my little 1-bedroom apartment. And decided I MUST make this happen. To say I'm looking forward to learning alongside you guys in person would be a huge understatement. Yessss.

Yay! Amy, we are so excited to have you join us!

Yay! I'm excited, too! Thanks, sister!


You'll have a great time and learn a lot! See you there,

Thanks, Mike! I can hardly wait : ) Yes, looking forward to meeting you.

Signed up and hotel is booked! I'm so looking forward to this event and to meeting everyone who's going to be there in person.

Alaina mentioned we should bring some gear, tripod, lenses, camera, etc; the basics. Will we need lighting gear?

Mike, great question! We will have set ups with the flexkit, strobes and speedlights that all attendees can shoot during the open shooting times. If you have a specific set up that you shoot with and it is easy to travel with- please feel free to bring it. Our goal is to help each and every one of you leave the conference knowing the gear you will be shooting with when you are back in action at home.

I'll be shooting out an email to everyone with all that info shortly.

Sure seems to be coming up fast! And it's months in the future.

I can bring an Einstein (or several and) a DigiBee in case anyone wants to handle one in person. I'm guessing there will be a lot of Profoto :).

I just signed up today and looking forward to meeting you all there. I think I'm going to stay at the Air Force Reserve Base in Riverside (35 min away) since it costs $60/night, no fees, no taxes. If anyone else is eligible to stay there, please let me know so we can perhaps carpool to Morongo.

Anyway it works to be there is great!

All signed up! In under the wire. Time to use some of those United miles! ;)

My selections as of today.

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