New weekly CrewCast discussion: pre-crew vs. post-crew images

Each week we'll be doing our standard protege private portfolio review CrewCasts as well as talking about whatever miscellaneous chat that happens to come up. As always, that one will usually be at 4pm Eastern on Tuesdays. So if you are a protege member and can make it get on in there!

What I'm looking to do is to throw in another quick weekly public CrewCast where I'll interview those of you who have seen a dramatic change in your work from having been part of the Headshot Crew. I'd like to discuss and show the work that you were doing prior to joining the crew and the work you feel is superior now. Some of you are fast movers, so have upped your game immensely and quickly if you feel you are in this boat then feel free to submit. I'd like to do it weekly, so hope someone is ready to fire some mediocre shots our way as well and some SHABANG'in ones too.

If you have any interest in discussing this during a public CrewCast then post one of your pre-crew shots below along with a post-crew shot and I'll pick individuals and check availability with everyone who is up for it.

If chosen I'll need you to get together 5-10 of your pre-crew shots and 5-10 of your post-crew shots to discuss.

I've always wanted to do this and I get so many of you thanking me for all that you've learned from being part of this group, so I thought we should share it with others. We are in growth mode here in Headshotland, so I'm pumped to keep things rollin as we fire up new stuff around here.

App is in the works in order for clientele to find you guys more easily as well as a slew of other things. So hang tight on all this stuff and thanks everyone for being onboard!

Hope to have some fun with the pre and post-crew CrewCasts.



Heck yeah, love this. I'll get some things together for sure.

This is fantastic. I will absolutely pull shots together for this.
Not only have I seen a shift in my work in headshots and portraits, I've also seen a shift in bookings,
and a couple other notable changes that I'm happy to share on crewcast.

I'm a million miles from I started thanks to the Crew. (PH2PRO!) I'm in.

Sooooo Cool! you know that I'll help in whatever I can.

I might not be a good example. I had almost zero photography experience before I started studying the Peter Hurley method. I had only shot 8 people (friends and family) before I got my new camera and started taking this seriously.

My coaching gallery is only up to 7 now, and I am only relatively certain of a couple of them, but I'll play along if needed.

The only thing I am certain of is that my skills have improved exponentially. But some of that is that my basic photography skills have improved as well.

I think I have had a dramatic change in my work :) ... Some of you guys know that I started my headshot journey almost two years ago with the on-line intensive .. a couple months before the intensive I was hired to shoot about 10 stylists at a salon which is what brought me to Peter .. two intensives and being a member of the crew for the past two years has dramatically changed my skills and my life ... The first shot is one of the shots used on their website .... the second is from a recent shoot

I remember that one!! Oh my gosh Helen!! You are a rock star:) I still can't believe how far you have come.

Dayum! lol I love looking back at my work before the Crew. I agree Rock Star! I will find one of mine and post in a bit. BTW mine are wayyyyy worst than this. lol

Learned a little about lighting eh? along with all the other stuff. Awesome.

Peter, you, and the Headshot Crew catapulted me into the world of business headshot photography. I would have never honed my skills without your coaching and feedback from this team! Here's a before and after.

wow love this shot !

Jen your work is so lol

This is my lovely daughter, the first one from Oct 5 2014, and the second one from today Oct 11 2015

Yup. That was me.

I am game!!! My pre and post with only 3 months is dramatic.

Even after being involved in Photography for about 20 years, the past months in Headshot Crew has immensely upped my game. I can honestly say that without this group, all the positive and brutally honest criticism, and yes, without Peter's guidance, I would not be at the level I am today. I would be proud to show my growth within the Crew! Now if I could just get a night off on Tuesday to catch the CrewCast and join in! With the holidays coming up, I'm afraid a schedule change is out of the question. Even if I can't join the CrewCast, I will be posting in Crew Posts my journey and growth since joining. Again, thanks to you ALL...I truly am thankful for such a well rounded Crew with expertise in every aspect that is Headshot Photography. See you all soon!

Just a peek into some before and after joining the Crew...night and friggin day! SHABANG!!!

I was just starting to shoot headshots early in the year after relocating to back to Australia from the UK. Under the encouragements of a BFAS friend of mine Andy Foster. I got pushed in and bribed into joining the Headshot Crew. Reluctantly, I joined to give the 30 day trial a go, and I have been singing alleluyah since. Not only that it keeps getting better and better.

The teaching all around (from Peter to the Crew) is unbelievable and the hard work can do it for anyone. This is what 6 months with the Headshot Crew did to a novice headshot shooter like me if you listen, watch and apply.

First shot was in early March 2015 when I started and the second shot was shot end of August

This is very cool. Wan't a headshot photographer to begin with just sports and travel for the past 3 years. Joined in April took the Intensive in May. Took some practice shots prior to the seminar and they were pretty bad ...... Anything I post is from what I've learned from Peter and the rest of you ...... and I'm pretty please with my progress so far. I'll be tuning into these CrewCasts for sure!

For me it's made the difference in every way possible. I've learned 10 years worth of knowledge about photography, technique and schtick in the year I've been here. I don't know where I'd be but it wouldn't be to this level. I have a long way to go too.

Over on the total opposite side of the world, a google search lead me to Peter, then the Crew and the rest is a work in progress, from zero to almost there thanks to the coaching and feedback from the CREW!! Being here has dramatically changed my skills and my work life and would be happy to share the journey.

Before and after the "Art Behind the Headshot".

Wow! Still love these afters:)

These are awesome guys!!! Love it.

Anyone up for discussing their experience later today? Maybe we'll add a second CrewCast.

I'm in Skipper. I can't make the 4pm but I can tonight.

These after shots are AWESOME! Way to go everyone.

My green and pink phase. Then I got rid of the gross and rainbow colored images, and found Peter and the Crew! My husband and I are laughing our asses off at these. I ACTUALLY put my name on those!!!!! What was I thinking?

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