Big News PEOPLE!

We are continuing to work out our monthly sponsors and contests that will start happening starting in July. 

Details to follow, but the Peter Hurley Flexkit from Westcott will be dropping in September and Westcott has taken on that month and agreed to give away an ENTIRE FLEXKIT to one lucky Headshot Crew Core Coaching Group member as well as some runner up prizes. It's a $5,000 value PEOPLE!!!


HURLEYPRO will be taking over the site for July and we'll be giving away ProBoard as well as our new H2PRO Bags, so get ready for that as well. 

Looks like Canon will be taking over August and we'll be giving away a camera as the grand prize and a printer for the runner up. I still have to confirm with them, but so far we are rocking with sponsors! 

I'm excited and I hope all of you are too. The contests will be definitley be interesting and I don't want to base them strictly on talent alone. I want all of you to have a shot at it, so we'll come up with something that combines talent with a random element of surprise. 

The next 12 months of sponsored giveaways and contests should be a major SHABANG! So get ready! 



Plan is to get this going in October now. Lights aren't ready just yet. Hang tight!

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