The Wingman Program is up and running PEOPLE!!

That's right, it's finally here: The Wingman program! The purpose of this program is to pair people who need advice with people who can dish it out. If you're not already a member of the Crew, sign up! You get a 30 day free trial and after 90 days of rolling with us, you become eligible to receive direct coaching from one of our Associates!

We want to be politically correct, but it'd be a pain going 'Wingmen and Wingwomen' all the time, so to make it easier for everyone we're just calling it Wingmen.

Once you become eligible for the program, you need to pick someone with whom you'd like to work with. On the request page write down at least 3 people, so if your top pick isn't available, you still have two people that you can work with.

Here we go PEOPLE! The flock is forming!


I'm fired up about this one.. Let the requests come in! :)

Awesome! Good stuff happening here!!

I have just been informed that my request for Mike Schacht has been denied!

That's just not fair, Chris!

Mike knows why!!! :-)

Very happy with my wingman :) Thanks guys and thanks Maurice for accepting me :)

I wonder how you think about that after a couple of months.. lol.. ;)

Over the moon with mine. Thanks guys.

Awesome Stuff guys! Really excited! Thanks to Mike Schacht for taking time being my wingman! Sorry Chris Gillett hahaha :-D

I have booked 6 headshot sessions tonight and as a Wingman I'm bringing my Wingee Mary-Ann with me to assist me and for her to learn some new things (I hope..).. Wingmenship to the max! :)

Great stuff. Lucky May-Ann to have you in nearby.

Go Mary-Ann leave some brains for us to pick up from time to time :-)

WOW super, Lots of fun tonight Mary-Ann.

AWESOME! 60 minutes in and my Wingman already gave me a call and spared at least 30 minutes of his time!
YOU ROCK PATRIC!! Hope I can return the help somehow in the future.

My pleasure to be your Wingman , Chris.
Looking forward to talk more in detail soon.

First constructive talk today.

nice work Pedro

Request in, hopefully one of the three Canadian Associates will take me on - I'm a horrible student :P. Kevin and Maurice have already helped me lots in the past, to bad you guys live on the other side of the planet haha.

I don't mind the time difference if the Canadians won't take you eh! lol

I'm so excited I got awarded my Wingman "Louis" yesterday!!

I'm in, too! :)
Got my message today that I will be with Thomas! I'm so happy and excited!

hope you did a good decision :) i am happy to push you forward as best as i can

So excited to be working with Gus!!!!

Will be great to working with you Helen!!

Working with Robert Merrill. He's been amazing so far. Already looked at a bunch of my stuff and gave me an enormous amount of fantastic feedback.

Thanks to Robert and all the associates taking time to help the rest of us out!

I glad everyone's pumped about it!! Let's get everyone firing on all cylinders!!

I'll be with Elaine :) ... excited !

My wingman is Karaminder Ghuman! Thank you for this program.

Excited to have Florence Catania on my wing! London, UK to Palo Alto CA. Time difference - no difference!

this is exciting and just what I have been looking for. Now I just gotta check the site out more. Thanks!!

Kathryn Rocks! She spent 3 hours of her valuable time going through every single headshot I have shot since the beginning of the year and critiqued them. How freaking generous is that?????????

Excellent program, how do you become eligible?

You have to be a crew member for 90 days. I just hit that and submitted my choices :)

Curious, with so many members on here, especially associates, what is the best way to go about researching who we would want as a wingman?

I'd say just go for someone you feel can teach you the most and who you feel comfortable with. If the wingman has no more space he'll tell so. That's why you need to submit your top3.

You can go to individual Associate"s websites. If you see an aesthetic you feel fits we lall have "about" pages/bios. That should provide you with a "feel" for their personality and approach. Hopefully you will find a match for your own style and approach. Good luck.

I'm eligible. Who would like to be my Wingman?

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