Oh boy, this person doesn't seem to like my teaching. Guess you can't please everyone, but do you think they actually purchased the dvd and watched it?

Woke up this morning and spotted this.  Don't mind this guy venting if for some ridiculously unknown reason he didn't get anything out of it.  However, we have a full money back guarantee, so I'm not quite sure what his gripe is.  Why is he trying to prove he watched it by taking screen shots of me?  Those could've easily been taken from the free clips we have out there.  Didn't want to chime in on this there, but figured you guys might back me up.  Not that it's worth our time anyway.  Only post this person has is ripping into me.  Strange.




I have to disagree with this person's assessment. As in a lot of life you get out of it what you put into it. I got more out of 3 minutes of your video than 6 hours of some other people's videos... and they are noted people. Not that the others are bad, it is just that you "spoke" to me in a way that made sense and got into my thick skull. What's the old saying 50% of people will love you and 50% of people will ummm... dislike you?

That guy/gal is just ridiculous! Peter, unfortunately, there are people out there that are inclined to bringing down others regardless of this truth: that the vast majority of those who have purchased the DVD have raved on how much it has helped out their own photography. Even if this person was not satisfied with your product, by the way he/she went about himself/herself, you can tell this person means nothing but ill-will.

peter, there's always going to be haters. they're never going to want to see you succeed and try to diminish your success to boost their fragile egos. this guy should be disregarded. he's got no voice, no platform, no following and really nothing but a bunch of confounded opinions. moving on...

I haven't see the DVD but I think the style should be the one you show in the youtube videos. Don't waste anytime, refund the money and keep on. You have your style and it is not supposed to be liked by everybody.

Next thing...

His "review" is hogwash.

I would like see his current work. Then see his work later on to see how much you have influenced him.

Also RE: frank-in-toronto's comment - If he got 3 good ideas in one hour, how much more that he could have in 3-4 hours from the DVD?

Peter by thrashing you he is getting what he wants. A lot of attention. A true coward. Doesn't use his real name and no profile photo..
Ignore this ass and keep doing what you do.

I guess he's a beginner. Replied to his post.

If everybody agrees with you, you're doing something wrong.

Mark and Ajay are both right—though this d-bag's crusade in the face of a money back guarantee is what raises an eyebrow for me. The sooner the thread goes cold, the better. Let it bury itself.

Not a smart man. You just can't account for some people's thinking...or the lack thereof.
Just wanted to add this; last December I did graduation portraits of a new recruit class coming back from the Ontario Police College. At the time, I thought those photos were, well... stellar. Now I look at them and am ashamed of many (most) of them. They are SO 'deer in the headlights.' I wish I'd known then what I know now, after having watched the video a half dozen times!

That's an easy-read. He's pissed off because he pushed play thinking that your DVD was a special sauce that took the photography out of the equation. It's the same type of chap who buys a D3100 and then gets pissed at Nikon 'cause his pictures are grainy @ ultra-high ISO's. Just a dungbeetle. He won't take the video back because outside of his forum rants, he's still combing thru it looking for that magic bullet that makes him better w/o the work or the investment. Don't give it another thought-just keep building those new lights :D

i cannot add anymore that all of you guys wrote before, just ignore that ****** guy.
i buy the DVD, i learned so much out of that, i entered this site and get so many improvment in an absolut small amount of time, i heard of what you, your mentors and anyone else tell me.
BUT without working hard on myself i would fail. so it seems he doesn't work on himself and fail, then he search for an error on your DVD thats crappy.

There is no way to control social media, but the ability to interact may help troubleshoot ongoing issues. Open discussion is great, especially when you can engage through other platforms. For example, I came across a very dynamic topic online. Other photographer’s may be familiar with from the beginning of the year.
John Mueller posted “This Photograph is Not Free” controversial comment on PetaPixel that generated 1230 comments on just the blog itself. Because of social media (sm) he gained 4372+ tweets, over 1K g+ and 24K fb likes.
It was because of the viral nature of the post that I was able to engage John online through facebook and connect. He said that even with all the negative comments the response was positively overwhelming.
For me, Peter’s teaching is a more stylized approach. The angry reviewer may have expected a more standard technical method. From what I can see the opinion is noted but not going raise discussion or go viral anytime soon. The money back guarantee is offered and opinion is just. Like Cavotta said the thread is dead.
On a personal note, I have positively commented on the DVD. I was also very impressed with Peter in person at the Google+ PC. I even blogged about it, but have had no response as of yet. Engagement is stronger when both sides are listening.
Regardless, half the battle in becoming a great photographer is inspiration. I like Peter’s attitude and consider him to be a motivational speaker with expertise in headshot photography. Nickel and diming on demeaning DVD comments will continue until the lifespan of the media. Keep your brand strong and current moving forward with advanced knowledge. Continue to share and assist your protégés to advance your network and their careers.
Seriously, Peter you come from both ends of the camera (LOL) and at ~10K/hr a speaking engagement this may be something to consider. I know that I would attend.

This guy sounds like a serial complainer with an obstructed bowel. Be grateful your not married to him. My guess is he won't ask for his money back because he probably viewed an illegal copy and posted all the screenshots to make you think he's ligit. Look people, if you are a reasonably good shooter and know your equipment stone cold, you will love this video because it's all about how to get a fabulous headshot from someone that is terrified about being in front of the camera. No one else teaches this. If you're just beginning you will still get a lot from Peter's instruction, but you will need to look elsewhere for instruction on how to use your camera and lights. The video rocks and workshop is even better, and funnier, and louder, and kinder and gentler, a bit esoteric, certainly gnostic, at times pedantic, and there is a ton of food, and booze at night, and great talent to shoot, and oh yeah.......it really is intense!

Frank Burch

I learned a long time ago that you can't please everyone. The more success and attention you get the more haters come out of the woodwork. Just keep going your thing. You know you have tons of supporters and people have taken their businesses to whole new levels because of what they learned from you and this group.

Yeah. What Levi said. Trü dat.

It was his/her first post shortly after having created an account, using insulting language, so it's a troll. Not to chime in is the right thing to do -- don't feed the troll.

This one http://bit.ly/LXborY died already, but is a bit more interesting.

Peter, you are an amazing revolutionary photographer. That guy did not get the 10% photographer and 90% therapist. He did not purchase the DVD he was watching a mp4 file not from a DVD, you can see it on upper left side on three of the screen shots. This DVD is for people that know their camera. Any can take pictures, but you show us how we can take photographs. Keep ROCKING this world my friend !!!

Do not waste your time on DEE DEE DEE's

Doing the preverbal helicopter view analysis, several things are reasonably clear. He/she's not a professional, at anything most likely. He/she isn't even moderately accomplished at photography, or there would have been some recognizable articulation of a legitimate complaint, as opposed to ranting. Communication skills are very poor. Anonymous nature of post suggests serious misgivings about self and his or her own confidence in the veracity of the ranting. I'd say the most significant lesson to glean from this post is that the author is currently experiencing unfortunate personal maladies and that Peter Hurley's popularity landed him high enough on this poor souls radar as to become an easy target for misguided pontificating. He/she's probably very upset at not being able to afford Kino-flos? Just my 2-cents.

I agree with all the comments of the other participants on the forum. I didn't even have to look at what this person has stated about you. I know from my own experience watching your video/DVD and seeing your other work that you are an incredible photographer and teacher. Not often found these days in one person. I know that I've wasted lots of time and money on trying to really learn the art of photography from technique to working with the people who trust us to create images of them and, Peter, you are one of the best. It's really hard to see and read and hear negative feedback when there is no basis for it. Kind of like a child having a tantrum - it's left best to ignore such behavior so that the child knows it's unacceptable... I'm glad you are sharing your knowledge and just remember this as well: rising tides raise all ships. I'm glad I'm one of the ships on the rising tide of your talent and teaching.

Dawn, you may have hit on it. I think Peter posted this rant himself so we'd all get on here and tell him how great he is. OK, Peter... You win!!!

To quote another photo mentor, Jay Maisel: F*ck You Asshole.

dont worry about that guy and keep making the rest of us happy, to me you are a good photographer and a good teacher. Best.

can't see the post in dp anymore. good that the admins have deleted it.

Peter ~ I disagree with this knucklehead's POV but you are spending too much time being PH2PRO and not enough time being Peter, a photographer. While you are very busy branding Peter Hurley, you're sacrificing being Peter, a talented photographer. Shooting "Faces" are your best brand, focus more on it. ~ Eddie

Peter Peter pumpkin eater. It is hard to hear negative feedback No matter. You do what you do because you do it very well and the results from other's work prove that. Look at the people who have signed up with you and have improved their work, that says it all Peter!!!! Damn it Man!

Thanks guys! I'm way over it, just nice to know I have major backup when I need it!!! YOU GUYS ROCK!

There is another posting in Fred Miranda forums. It is not a bashing, but they are asking about the DVD from Peter if is worth it..

So, in other words Peter you are doing something right. People are noticing you more and more, just not as a photographer, but you are becoming a public figure.

Be ready, you will get bad and good rep.

I got in on the Fred Miranda thread to do some damage control, before the Negative Neds piled on and shat on you out of ignorance and jealousy.
I even asked a guy if he bought it, and told how the video is for serious photographers who want The Real Deal, and not to be told what end of the camera to point at the client. He seemed to have watched it, without seeing it's VALUE, which means he's a downloading dickweed.

Keep up the good work. Anyone who can't see the value in your dvd isn't interested in growing his business.


Don't sweat it, Peter. Guy was a doofus who is unable to see the good information on the dvd.

Just remember, the empty can rattles the loudest.
If he can't appreciate the goldmine of information you offer, that's his problem.
And his loss.

Thanks for the backup on Fred Miranda too. Those comments on there are just silly. What can you do. None of the people talking about it make a dollar with photography I bet. Yeah, let's forget about it and move on. Thanks for the support guys!

Celebs always face criticisms - and many a time, for no faults of them. Since you are sure you have been honest to the community, deliver whatever you promise and the more number of people (than the insane critiques) are there with you - there's nothing to worry about.

Like the great thinker, Notorious BIG, said, "I don't know what they want from me, it's like the more money we come across, the more problems we see." The dude's jealous and has a severe case of diarrhea of the mouth. Probably drives a Chevy Avalanche too.

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