This is a headshot of Melissa taken on September 28th at my home studio using my Sony A7Riv and two Elinchrom D-light RX-2's with 35cm x 140cm softboxes in a parallel configuration, and two Godox AD200 PRO lights on the white background. As a new member of The Headshot Crew, it's my first actual client photoshoot since starting the learning journey so I am in the process of figuring out a few things. However, I thought I'd submit an entry anyway :-)
I found Melissa to be an interesting challenge as she had a bit of a down on her looks, so what I thought were good images was somewhat different to her own opinion. However, this is the one she chose.
I haven't gotten as far in the training as the editing process yet, so this is my own editing interpretation at this stage.

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