Headshot Crew has 2 new Associates and a Mentor to boot!

Big congrats to Rick Bern and Willem Sorm for putting up with me for the long haul and finally nailing portfolios that are Associate worthy! Great work guys!

Rick Bern: http://headshotcrew.com/rickbern

Willem Sorm: http://headshotcrew.com/studiotheattic

Also, always a force on Headshot Crew and someone that's been a part of this for a really long time Maurice Jager got bumped up to Mentor. He's an incredible resource for the site to have and I'd like to thank him for his support of the crew and am psyched he's here to help us make moves!

Maurice Jager: http://headshotcrew.com/maurice-jager

Looks like he'll be importing HURLEYPRO ProBoard into Europe, so hit him up if you are interested in getting some for yourself.

Great job guys!!!


Congratulations Rick and Willem!!!!!! and Kudos to Maurice!!! :)

High congrats to everyone!!!

Woo hoo! Congrats Rick, Willem and Maurice!!!

congrats Maurice...how fast will you be able to import those suckers?

Thank you for the kind words! Haven't stopped smiling since yesterday!
I am more than happy to help get the Headshot Crew and it's photographers make moves!

HURLEYPRO Proboards: We are finalizing details.. More information comes as soon as we got everything set.. Couple of days maybe... STAY TUNED!

Congratulations all around!

Way to go guys. Just joined the crew last week but very excited to your good work and all very inspiring. Hope to be following your footsteps. All the best in your future work...

Welcome to the crew gentleman!

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