BFAS, ASSOCIATE & MENTOR wingmen & wingwomen!

Frederik hit me with an incredible idea this morning that I'd love to implement for those that are up for it. 

I'm finding that people enter the group and get a ton of stuff thrown at them and they just aren't sure where to start. It would be great if when someone signs up I could assign them a wingman or wingwomen to help guide them through the process. 

BFASer's could take on new Protege's, Associates could help BFASer's get their portfolios up to Associate level and the Mentors can help oversee the process and promote group Google Hangouts or Spreecasts to get our crew up to speed. Once you have a few crew members under your wing you could schedule a group spreecast or hangout or do it one on one.

I think each person that would be willing to do this could be assigned up to 5 protege's to help reach their goals. Take it at your own pace if you want and take 1 or 2 people and we'll go from there. What I need is a list of people that would be committed to this. I think all it would take is a skype call every now and then and some email support here and there. I need anyone BFAS or above to let me know if you'd be interested in helping and I'll start introducing people via email to their wingperson! 

For those that would love someone to bounce ideas off of I'll set you up with someone, so just let me know.

Let's wing it PEOPLE! Who's in? 


WOW! Thanks for the great response! I have to figure out how we are going to structure this. If anyone has ideas of how to help me that would be appreciated. I need structure and groups, etc. I think it's an incredible idea and will turbo charge everyone's work for sure. 

One thing that I do want to respect is people's turf and although I'm over it here in NYC I understand that you guys are building businesses all over the world. I know we are all creatives, but I understand that you are going for the same market as some of your fellow crew members. That being said I'd like to make it so you assist people outside your zone. Healthy competition is good, but for those using this as a means to feed their family I'd rather not have them directly hurting their chances of booking people by upping the competitions game. I still think you guys should all be friends and supportive, but keep your marketing efforts speparate and I don't know how you could do that while supporting your wingmates. That being said unless you tell me I won't set you up with someone in your general vicinity. I would still love you guys to get together with crew members that are close, but don't want you concerned one bit about competition. I hope that makes sense. Any ideas would be appreciated. Best, Peter


Good idee! I'm in!

Can I have Anita :)

(she lives close to me)

Cool! If you have someone you'd like to work with please let me know. Thanks!

Very interested! I'm in.

is that Fredrik from Doha? awesome idea! I'm in for what the crew needs...

I'm in!! I'll take Summer Ryan if ok! :) (If she's ok w/that!)

I'm ready Elaine!! I was just about to post if you did this I would love to have you!!!!

Amazing Idea... I'm down!

I'm in. Tanks Frederik for the suggestion!

I'd love all the help I can get. I'm in!

I'm in for this! Anyone want a goofy portuguese dude?

Fantastic idea! I'm in

I'm in! I can take on a couple of protégés and if the goofy Portuguese dude wants to help a BFASer.... Pick me, pick me!

I'm in, live north of Los Angeles, in Valencia, Ca.

Dennis and I linked up. I can take on protégés if anyone is looking?

Count me in.


Cool! I'd be honored. Suggestion: when you match crew mates, let's take geo + time zone into account if possible?

I hope Lízler will take me.

I'm in, I could use some help.

Leftenent Wrightman reporting, Sir! (I'm in)

Can I take a BFAS as a Mentor? If so, Bogster's with me!

I'm in, I'd go with two people for starters:-)

Great idea. I also think it would be cool if the people we work with are reasonably geolocated so if they don't have a decent headshot, their Mentor can help them with that. Clearly, not everyone here has had the benefit of The Man's mojo.

I'm in - great idea, Peter!

Sure. Where do I sign?

Here is something that I have done which I would suggest others do. Find other members in your area. Set up a time and go to their studio and have them shoot you there. Then you shoot then in their studio. After that you do the opposite, they come to you and you practice at your studio.

Sounds cool. Count me in!

This sounds like a great idea :) All in

Needless to say, I'm in :-)

I'm in, I can work with all the Spanish speaking people here

If he accepts Louis Scott ? I'll try my best my man !

Absolutly, i am in, and try to give my best

Great! I'm in :)

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