Needing support from fellow photographers...

Helo PH2PRO'ers!

I am so proud and excited to be nominated for the first ever Vic Dance Awards "Victoria's Favourite Dance Photographer" here in Australia.

This award is gargantuan and would provide a MASSIVE boost to the headshot side of my business as we all know - dancers need headshots too! It only takes a minute:…

Thanks so much in advance guys! Your support in this world wide community means so much to me.
X Belinda


Let's get it going PEOPLE! Happy to support Belinda.

WOW thanks Peter. It means a lot. So few awards like this for those that support their community!

Done! Lucky that Sam Oster has not been on the list - would have had to vote for both of you girls!!

Thanks Hanns! I am going to look her up now!

Just voted. Good luck!

Good luck... Just voted :)

Phew that was hard work... but for you, I pushed though.

Thankyou so much everyone who voted and left a comment here - it means a lot! You're funny Chris Noakes!

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