Jeku Arce getting some incredible SEO through his PH2PRO Profile!

Jeku has been a staple in the PH2PRO community for some time now. He's been to multiple Headshot Intensive workshops as a participant and also as my assistant as well. I also made him a moderator of the Headshot group on Google+ along with Karen Brown.

The guy is really motivated and when he got the call to serve our country in Korea he didn't flinch in making sure his headshot business didn't skip a beat. Changing his PH2PRO profile to reflect his presence in Seoul and setting up shop there, Jeku is busy shooting away while serving our country as well.

3 months ago he changed his profile and today he posted on social media that he's 3rd in google SEO when searching for a headshot photographer in Korea!  See the screenshot below or check out his instagram post here:

This is precisely what we built this site to do, so I couldn't be more excited. We already have the largest group of headshot photographers in the world and the power of google SEO to help each one of you attract clients. I'm excited to see what the future brings as PH2PRO grows, so get onboard for those that aren't and for those that have similar stories please share them below!



I'm not sure if it's true or not. But at least here in Chicago where there are multiple photographers..I think google recognizes one persons profile and then the others kind of get hidden as being duplicate entries? Idunno. Just something I noticed once. Not sure if that is an actual problem or just because Google was recognizing my search preferences

Congratulations Peter, Ph2Pro and Jeku!!

Congrats! That's fantastic! I know the couple of calls I have received from Google search is from being related to the PH2 group. It definitely works!

My Ph2Pro profile is above almost everything else in google for my area:

Irvine Headshot Photographer - # 3 Organic Result
Orange County Headshot Photographer - #2 Organic Result
Headshot photography in Irvine - #3 Organic result

I get a good number of referrals from these each month, and when I ask how they found me it is often that they search for "Irvine Headshot Photographer" and they found my profile on PH2.

Huge help!

Wow, that's awesome...What are some of the ways to bump yourself up on the Google search list?

Yeah maybe I don't understand SEO but I am no where to be found in San Francisco. Napa however I'm 7th!

My PH2Pro listing comes on the fourth page, after my website(page 2) and Facebook(4). Suggestions?

Anita -

A couple tips - Right off the bat looking at your profile, i see nothing about photography, nothing about headshots, etc. It is a great about you but not really about your photography or more specifically about headshots.

I'm the top headshot photographer from the Netherlands.. At least, according to Google.. lol
Number 1 overhere for "Headshot Netherlands" with my PH2Pro profile

I've just google'd "squinch dubai", my website comes up number 5 hit on the page 1, and the only photographic website!! ;

I'm so proud of Jeku! He was in my Intensive class and we have remained friends, staying in touch via private messaging on FB as well as various social media but also G+ hangouts with Skip Klein - another participant in our class. Jeku works so hard at his photography and he is a social media king! If any of you follow him on FB, G+, Instagram, Pinterest or Twitter you will know that he posts often and, while he posts his headshot work, he also posts images of his travel and his food - oh yes, Jeku eats well! The point is that while his work is out there, he posts about a lot of stuff that just creates Jeku buzz - exactly what social media teachers tell us to do. Create community and relationships. Jeku does a really, really good job of it. He also experiments with all kinds of stuff - video is his latest love, so keep your eyes open for that coming down the pipe. He has so much creative stuff rolling around in his brain and he's always willing to share or give advice when asked. The fact that he is #3 in a brand new country after only a short time there doesn't surprise me ... keep it up, Jeku!

Thanks guys for all the support! I couldn't have done it without Peter and the everyone in the PH2PRO community.

Being in a new country is hard, but knowing that my PH2PRO profile is in the top 5 for headshot photographers in Seoul, Korea is really going to help!

Keep your PH2PRO profiles updated people!

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