HURLEYPRO #HeadshotCrewSelfie challenge! Winner gets a set of H2PRO Bags.

We want you to post your best selfie, a headshot taken by yourself on Instagram using the hashtag #HeadshotCrewSelfie and tag @headshotcrew. Also, update your Headshot Crew and Spreecast profile shot too!

The best headshot from a member of the Protege group on Headshot Crew wins 2 H2PRO bags and we'll use our randomizer for the random 2nd winner of another 2 H2PRO bags.

Shot needs to be taken between May 17th and May 31st.



Mine will show up on instagram tonight. Get going, folks!

HAHA, Let's cheat. I can take yours :D

OK, thats a challenge, need to have a Haircut before :)

well will see if i get it!

Good thing is the I coinsidently posted one yesterday :p

Done... I gotta say I like taking other people's headshots better...

Done! Best of luck to everyone!

Done and done!

Done as well. Definitely harder than taking somebody else's picture.

Couple days left to submit yours! FIRE IT UP!

Done!! With my first challenge.

Done. Not sure I did it correctly but I hope so.

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