Only members of Headshot Track may enter.

Tue, 06/25/2024 - 8:00pm UTC

This contest has ended.

Contest Rules and Details
  • Images must have been shot during the previous week.
  • Headshots only!
  • One entry per photographer.
  • Associates and Mentors can enter to get feedback, but their entries will not be considered when selecting the winner.
  • Click on the thumbnails below to view the images, leave comments, and rate an images Lookability.
  • All entries will be critiqued by Peter (sometimes HSC Mentors) and Winners will be chosen Live on an upcoming Crew Cast. (Typically this is on "Tough Love Tuesdays" at 4PM Eastern, however our judging schedule may fluctuate) 


  • During the Crew Cast, Peter will select his favorites to be finalists.
  • Everyone on the crew cast then votes for their one favorite out of all the finalists.


The winner gets one free month added on to their Headshot crew membership.

Congratulations to the winner!

Great job Zach!!! New to the crew and flying!!!!


So awesome Zach, welcome to the Crew! Great beginning!!

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