Mentor Post - GET YOUR ACT TOGETHER so I can refer you!

Photography has let me see the world. When I travel the world I meet and talk with people. I make connections & relationships.

Unfortunately I'm not able to be everywhere for my client's needs due to time and/or their inability to fly me to their destination. When I do have a job that needs to be filled in a place I've worked before I have my go-to people that I send jobs to.

There are times where I get asked for a job where the client doesn't have the budget to fly me in. That's where I'll go to the "Find a photographer" button and search for Headshot Crew members in the area. I'll refer the client to a HC member in that area.

I found profiles that are hideous and will not refer a HC member to a client based off the lack of presentation/professionalism. I am a professional and it would hurt my image if I referred my client to someone who isn't one or does not present themselves in a professional manner.

Here's what I see that needs to be fixed so I can refer you:

1. A rockstar headshot photo.
YES there are profiles in HC that have NO profile photos. I can't believe it.

2. Add photos to your gallery.
I've found profiles with NO photos and NO galleries. Get your photos on there and have them critiqued frequently! Put your best work there, get on the boards, and grow in your craft.

3. Have some review your bio.
I had Karen Brown help me out with my bio. It helps to have another person proofread your bio before presenting it to the world aka the internet. There are times where we miss grammar, punctuation, or there may be a better way to tell your story.

4. Social Media links.
Get connected around the social media globe so the clients I refer you to can see you as a person as well as a photographer. We are emotional beings and we connect with feelings such as trust, sincerity, and silliness.

Remember that this community is not only a great way to grow your craft as a headshot photographer, but also a great way to build relationships with your peers. Refer your clients when necessary to people you trust in this community who you believe to be an extension of yourself - someone who is reliable, dependable, and trustworthy to complete the job.

Being in this community I hope that's all of you.



Great reason to get our act together. And, in my mind just one of the reason you are a mentor. It's amazing what doors open up to "us" just because we are a part of this group! Thanks for the reminder, that not only are we a supportive group with critique and valuable information but this is one group that is not afraid of losing a job by referring each other!

It's a small world out there. I recently had a client that new Jeku. He's worldly and famous, which makes him world famous.

Well said. Specially for those who have been part of the crew for some time now, there is no excuse.

I hope you rang the bell loud enough for the sleepers.

I second everything Jeku just said here. I've been in the same position with a couple corporate clients that have offices all over and ask for recommendations all the time! Thanks for pushing people, Jeku!

Great nudge, Jeku! Make it happen folks :-)

100% agree you JEKU, i also sometimes need to referr non HC Photographers, because now good profiles are in the client area

Great post. Thanks for bringing this up.

Hi Jeku,
you have me back again in the protegé group.
Now I am looking for updating my portfolio and submit for a first review.


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