2 new Associate Photographers named tonight! Elaine Zelker & Gabriel Hillenbrand

Congrats guys! Great work on the portfolios and I'm proud to have you as part of the Associate crew.

View their work here:

Elaine Zelker: https://ph2pro.com/elainezelker

Gabriel Hillenbrand: https://ph2pro.com/gabrielhillenbrand


Congratulations Guys!!!!

Well done - congratulations!!!

Congrats and well deserved!

Ahhh! Sorry I had to cut out early during Elaine's review but congrats Elaine and Gabriel!!!

Well done, gang!

good work!

Proud to be associated with you guys!!! Congrats! Awesome work! Elaine - well deserved! Gabriel - your portfolio made my jaw drop! Huere guet!

thank you people!..I feel honored to be part of this elite group ("the headshot elite" would have been an awesome name to IMHO :-) ) and will continue to give every day 500% to meet the high standarts of this group.

From the very first moment I saw Peter doing"his thing" I was blown away about his work, his passion for it and his enormous "drive".

I love photography but always thought the world hasn't waited for me to become a photographer..exactly 18 weeks ago I was surfing the internet looking for some info about Avedon's lighting technique and stumbled upon Peter Hurley..blown away by his work I wanted to try this out so I asked my fiancée if I can shoot her..

I liked the shot back then although looking at it now it wasn't really anything (you can see it here http://tinyurl.com/mjge6af )
..my fiancé posted the shot on her Instagram account with the comment "trying the Hurley style..unfortunately not even close" ..the next day Peter commented "you are closer thank you think"

..from that moment on I was all in..I sold almost all of my belongings which had some value (don't even own a computer or a TV anymore)… bought both his DVD's, subscribed to the HIO, bought a Hassy, rented a studio (which I had to renovate completely) and spent every second from then till now learning everything I can about Peter's headshots.

My family thought I was crazy since I literally spent every free minute shooting and editing to get closer to the goal...I didn't sleep much the last 3 months but if you find something that you really love this isn't a problem..and sleep is totally overrated :-)

Thanks to social media I could see how Peter is pushing it every single day and how he's firing on all cylinders..that was a big motivation for me and made it easy for me to give every day 500%. The last 3 months very pretty intense and it changed my life in many ways.

I just have graduated from law school and I hated every single day there because it’s just not my thing…I’ve always been a creative person and not that much of a „thinker“. So I’ve spent the last 8 years doing something I never wanted..Now finally I’m doing something I’m really passionate about it and every day when I wake up I can’t wait to get to the studio.

Many people told me that photography is a nice hobby but not a serious job and that I should work as a lawyer..but I decided it’s finally time to do the thing I want and not to listen to the people. Best decision ever!

I didn’t just developed as a photographer but also as a person. 3 months ago I was the guy who didn’t speak much when meeting new people..a bit timid I would say (or introverted?). But as photography is just 10% of it I had to work on my social skills..it’s been a challenge every day to start from 0 with every new person walking in the studio..but after shooting so many people I’m really having fun now meeting new people and can’t await the moment the person opens up and we can start to get some awesome headshots.

I really wanna thank the ph2pro community for helping me with my headshots and when I have more routine with this I hope I can help others too.

Peter..thank you so much for changing my life in many ways!
3 months ago I had nothing but a degree from University and no clue how I could ever make a living with my passion photography. Now I’m able to pull some cool headshots, have my own studio, met a ton of cool people from all around the world (ph2pro people and people I’ve shot), made a lot of new friends and finally can do something that I’m passionate about it.
Who knows..maybe some day I can make a living with it and can quit my job which I totally don’t like. $

This all just happened because I saw how you're chasing your dream ..so do I now! SHABANG!

Huge congratulations, Elaine and Gabriel!!

well done guys, great work :)

I have to watch the review part of the spreecast tomorrow cause I missed it. ;)

congratz from my side too!! GJ!

Congrats! ...never got the spreecast invite....oh well next year perhaps lol! HAPPY HOLIDAYS EVERYONE! !!

And great post Gabriel... feelin' it :)

Gabriel: I think nobody can become a serious and dedicated photographer whose family thinks that he is sane! I have been told exactly the same many times. You can make it and I sure hope you do!!!

Congratulations, great work!

@Hanns: ...thankfully "digital identity" becomes more and more important so there is a demand for our "product" out there..so there is a real chance to make some bucks with it..

Gabriel, that is one of the best posts I've ever read, you rock!!
I wish I had half your energy and ambition!!! I can see that you will succeed admirably with that kind of drive!

Congrates guys !! :)

Great work Gabriel :) , congrats !!

Ginormous congratulations Elaine and Gabriel!!!!

thank a lot guys...it's just awesome being an associate! :-)

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