Daniel Mateus

Charlotte, NC
About Daniel

Is name is Daniel and he grew up in the small village Óbidos, Portugal. Is love for photography started together with is electrician job years ago. Everyday he was working 12m to 18m above ground and he started to observe the world in a different perspective. From up there the birds were closer and the sunsets were even more amazing. After he bought is first camera, Daniel started to photograph the world around him, cats, dogs, plants, cars, landscapes, sunsets, everything as a motive for him to learn and practice more and more.
Later on, he quits is job and opens a store of photo accessories, a few months later, he opening a studio next door together with some friends. These steps help him to gain more technical knowledge about equipment’s and he also started to work with fashion and commercial photography, in particular microstock. In this area, he learn about successful photographers like Yuri Arcurs and Andre Rodriguez, top sellers in microstock, their knowledge taught him that for a great photo, the photographer needs to direct the model and interact with it, so that in the end, the result is great.
The stability of the store and is family was coming down and Daniel had to go back to his old job. Is life wasn´t going on the best ways but he didn’t gave up his dreams, one day he would be a successful photographer. That day come closer when a post on Twitter lead him to a video from F-stoppers, their, among others, he meets Peter Hurley, a portrait photographer who has known for is work on Headshots. The videos of Peter talked to Daniel like a teacher to a student, it was time to follow is passion, time to create his dream and live it! :-)