Fly'n High

Hi Guys,

Just have to tell you how psych'd I am to have been named a Ph2 Associate. About 18 months ago, I made a commitment to myself that I would become THE BEST headshot photographer in the Twin Cities. In my quest, I found Peter Hurley when Googling headshots -- how lucky am I.

I was one of the first to sign up on the Ph2 site, when it was still in Beta! When I found Ph2, I felt that I had found my "photo home." I immediately bought Peter's video. I started seeing the Intensive showing up all over the U.S. -- no where near the tundra of Minneapolis. So I went out on a limb; emailed Peter… I wasn't bold enough to suggest bringing the Intensive to Mpls. (who wants to come to Mpls.), but suggested "How about bringing the Intensive to Chicago." Metropolitan city, right? Great restaurants? Maybe a draw for others? And an easy plane ride for me ;-) I was thrilled when he said, "Yes."

That was just about a year ago. Since then, I can honestly say that Peter and Ph2Pro has transformed my work and my business model. I still have so much to learn and so much room for improvement, but can honestly say that my work has never been better because of Peter and this group.

I am SO HONORED to have been named an Associated of Ph2Pro. I can't wait to spread the word and continue to learn and improve with this team of amazing professionals. You ALL rock my world!



And a VERY WELL DONE!!!!!! Congratulations!

That's fabulous and well deserved Jen, congratulations!!

I was so glad you found me and made it to that intensive. Always knew you would make it!

Great job and great work!

Congrats Jen:) Love your story too. Inspired!

Congratz Jen.. Hope i'll make it to the lucky few someday as well.. :-)

Thumbs up, Jen!!! As Paul has put it ever so correctly: well deserved, Jen!!


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