The Headshot Intensive goes ONLINE PEOPLE!!!

We've done it and July 1st all the action starts.  Check out the video and registration page for this killer 12 week workshop!


Very interesting. Congrats on gettin it goin my man!
So would people have the option of jumping in part of the way into it? Or do they have to start at the same time?

Hey Mike! Looks like you have to start July 1 as the assignments and reviews are weekly. And it's twice a year. Which means I likely can't get in on this first one myself - waaay too much going on at work in the summertime. :-(
Looks pretty cool though!

It's done at your own pace and all Live Spreecasts will be recorded. Each weekly video will be made available through your dashboard. They will remain there for you to view at your leisure. If you want to run with the group that's fine too. Registration closes at midnight on June 30th.

Order now to avoid disappointment!

Hmmmmmm. That might just work.......

I'm IN! So excited to do a review, get my butt kicked, see the new material ... can't wait!

I'm going to Camp Hurley this summer.

I will be signing up! Do those people who are already members of PH2Pro receive 6 months free of Protege Coaching? Just wondering...I can't wait! I am eager to kick-start my game.

Nice! I have been impatiently waiting for this to drop. Awesome job on the video Levy!

Yeah, anyone who signs up get's six free months added to their current subscription.

Camp Hurley, ( nice title Chris. i steal that OK ? )
I am also in the CAMP HURLEY !!, can we get shirts :)
ok, was a bit fun. i am psyched about the Headshot Intensive Online!. can't wait to start!

It's going to be like camp and I'm the counselor that is whipping you guys into shape. No whining, no raging blankness, etc, etc.

Thomas and I definitely need shirts.

If it's a camp I want s'mores ... and a camp song

I think the online intensive is going end up blowing the in person intensive out of the water in the end. At the intensive in NY we had a day to try and absorb as much information as we could hold from Peter. Information overload at around dinner time, then it is right back at it after dinner. I sat in bed that night and tried breaking down everything I had learned that day to applicate it the following day (well same day since it was well past midnight) Then we quickly hammered out some more info early that morning and then it was onto the races to start shooting the model/actors. Being able to break everything down and take it week by week will be a great advantage to those taking the online intensive. I think its going to be much easier to process everything in the online intensive format then it is during the in person intensive since it will be spread out over a longer period of time.

I'm with you guys. I think this will get everyone's portfolios really churning. Plus, you have 12 weeks to get sick of me instead of just 2 days of abuse.

Sounds great. Will it be all accessible afterwards for weeks / months to come and to be able to reference back? Or will there be a download to ipad option?

***Edit...just watched the video on it there, sorted.

Oh my god that's right..... 12 weeks of Peter, Peter, Peter.......
I may have to rethink this. LOL!!!

OK I am in! Ready to go to the next level with my head shot business.

Yeah, it's going to be a ton of info. I've been going through it and with the extra time we'll be covering a lot of new ground. I'm fired up about it!

Looking forward to it! I signed up this weekend and I think I'm the most excited about the drills. I hope this really pushes some challenges to us on our shooting.

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