Mastering Headshot Photography

If you aren't on Kelby Training, this is definitely worth a look!  Mastering Headshot Photography is LIVE on  Check out the trailer here:  !


Starting the course and learned instantly new things i was never knowned before #SHABANG and Thank you Peter

Great stuff Peter, learnt loads from this new course...all ready to put into practice on tomorrows portfolio shoot.

I just got the course, I am always learning something new. Great course and thanks for your continuing guidance and support.

I will be checking it out for sure...

Watched it today. Peter, you're a ROCKSTAR :)

Just finished watching - Loved it

It's on my list! Shabangles

I think I've watched it 5 times, lmao! STOP DOING THAT!!! :D

I watched the entire video in one sitting, had my husband watch it next and then signed up today for PH2 and am ready to jump in with both feet!!!! Plan on going to Headshot Intensive in May. Awesome video, actually life-changing for me, thank you!!

I love the part with Debbie @ 8:58

#SHABAAAAANG ... you need a little bit of a squint though, so we're #UNSHABANG and will #SHABANG it later

Awesome! :)

Just watched - this was great seeing the sessions with all the different people and seeing some of the pieces when you review with clients. I like you getting behindthe camera and letting your clients take a run

Hey Peter, very nice video indeed! I also like the idea of having those testimonial videos ... was that all orchestrated or just part of your session with the models? How much "guidance" did they need?

Kelby guys did the interviews, I didn't see it or have any input. Kind of nice seeing them now.

Just watched it. Awwwwwesome Peter! Loved it just as much as The Art Behind the Headshot. Great tips and instruction!!

Finally have some free time watching it now.

Great set of videos...added some new dimensions for me about the process...they ROCK!

Great stuff Peter keep the videos coming! When are you going to start "The drill"?

I wanna #SHABANG! Seriously! and seriously, thank you Peter for keeping the learning fun!

Drill is coming soon. Trying to get through WPPI and GPP at the moment. Online intensive and drill will come next and I'm shooting for April sometime. Glad you guys are enjoying all of it!

So what's the "Drill". Sorry I'm new here, so just curious.

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