The Discovery Channel Curiosity Megastorm

I was interviewed by The Discovery Channel for Curiosity Megastorm airing tonight at 9pm EST, so if you can check it out.  Here's a link to the preview:


I found it here in Ontario on TDC ( there's a regular and an HD channel so check your listings ) airing on November 25th at 8PM. Perhaps other Canadians can find it locally, maybe not tonight but keep looking.

Peter... I have been consumed with my "real job" and didn't even remember you live in NY. I assume you came through okay... heck, you probably used it as an opportunity to tune your sailing skills.

Caught the show. We've all seen pictures and video of the devastation—which is dumbfounding in some cases—but in a rare glass half-full moment I find myself eager to see how people like Peter and his family rebuild these special coastal neighborhoods to create new memories for generations to come. Yes, the situation sucks at the highest level, but the drive to help one another and to rebuild can bring out the best in people.

I found it amazing that everyone I shot was smiling. So nice to see. There was a town meeting and I heard there was a lot of laughter. Shows the power of the human spirit and how material items can always replaced, but life is what it's really all about. Since we were so fortunate not to lose anyone the town is bustling with activity and on the rebuild.

I 'DVR'd this and finally sat and watched last night.

Peter: Well done on sharing your story and the photos/videos you had taken. The before photos really did a nice job of telling the story with a human connection. It's one thing to see a storm ravaged patio, it's another to see it before when your daughters were running across it. My best to your Dad and all who where affected.

Hey Peter, thanks for telling us about the show. I watched it this weekend, and honestly was amazed at how differently it showed what really happened during Sandy vs what I learned (or rather didn't) watching the live feed during the storm. While I knew that I was incredibly fortunate that my area didn't get hit very hard, that show brought it home and really motivated to reach out to my neighbors who got the brunt of it. Thanks for sharing your story and for being part of that documentary.

This thing finally hit Video on Demand on FiOS so the family and I sat down and watched it. Amazing footage that you were able to capture both before and after the storm. I hope the best to your Dad and family affected by Sandy.

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