Sudbury based Headshot photographer Robert Provencher

Robert Provencher

Sudbury, ON, CA
Westmount Photography
About Robert

a photographer, consultant, entrepreneur and cardio kickboxing instructor. I sing, I play guitar, dance, I love eating steak and I cry at movies. I wish I could sum myself up in just a few sentences – but there is so much more to me than that. But, what I do know is that I am a damn good photographer-at least that’s what they tell me – it is what I do best and is where my true passion is.

My experiences shape me, so I never leave anything on the table

I never want to look back on my life and wonder what could have been. It is the approach I take to my work and my play. I eke out that last little bit of life from every day. Whether it is those last rays of sunlight, the tired bride and groom at the end of their wedding day, a sleeping child or a shared moment of excitement or bliss.

Both the negative and the positive experiences need to be treated with the same respect – learn and grow and never walk away from something that might inspire you.

I might have had a few scrapes with the law as a kid and saw school as a place to hang out with friends and get high– but all I needed was to be shown the right way. It was by listening to people I admired and had respect for that I finally learned to listen to my own voice. I found that I actually had a voice.