Seattle Headshot Intensive

Hey Everybody, Getting excited for the Headshot Intensive in Seattle on September 20th and 21st. I'm looking forward to meeting all of you in person. I expect that this will be one of the best Intensives ever!! There are spots that have become available, so If you were thinking of coming to Seattle it's not too late. But, I wouldn't wait much longer! Hope to see you there!


I'm fired up about this one, never did anything in Seattle yet. Should be a fun week and we'll be spreecasting for Headshot Intensive ONLINE people PEOPLE!

10 days until Hurley invades the Emerald City! YEAH!

Yes, Looking forward to this one!
See you soon,

Gordo and Evan are going? Who else? I wish I could be there.

I'm sure I'll make an appearance at some point. Still need to get with Peter to see when he wants me there.

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