On the fence about the ONLINE Intensive?

I've been away for awhile (you don't even want to know!) but now I am back.

I recently wrote a blog post on my site about the difference quality education can make to a photographer. I joined PH2Pro a year ago and, honestly, had no clue. I didn't even know enough to know that I didn't know shit.

Check out my before and after and let me know if the online intensive made a difference. Many thanks to all of you for your encouragement, critique, and support in my growth. But most of all thanks to Peter for his generosity and willingness to push us to be better than we ever imagined.

For any of you on the fence, read this blog post and decide.



Anita - good you are back! Of course we WANT to know, but we do not HAVE to know! Subtle difference to show you that there definitely is sympathy!
I love your post and I am sure that there is nobody in this group who feels differently. But don´t forget Anita, it was YOU who went this path, who submitted, who shot pictures, who had to go thru this agonizing time from realizing the shortcomings and working hard to becoming better. Yes we all owe a lo t to Peter and we love him for what he has set up but as Ansel Adams has put it so well:
Chance favors the prepared mind.

Anita, thanks for the post. You have made me feel a little more confident in what i'm doing today.. I have only been here for a few weeks and I keep looking army work compared to others and it makes me feel a little inadequate. Reading stuff like this is the power we need to spread because we all have it in us, it just needs bringing out. Thank you..

David, that is exactly the point I wanted to make for all the new people here. This is a great community for those of us wanting honest feedback and an opportunity to grow:) Thanks Hanns!

I'm in for the next HIO for Peter's updated material alone.

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