SENDIT! New version & crew perk 10% off!

Hey Everyone, 

With many sleepless nights, and nail biting it has finally arrived. My SENDIT! Photoshop Script has been released and you are welcome to grab a copy for yourself at

Thank you to Peter for his support with this project. This will certainly help you all add tremendous value to the work you deliver to your clients.

Check the crew perk for the 10% off code.  

 As always any questions fire away! Thank you for your support.  



Version 7.0.2 just dropped with improved Center Shift, zoom features, Smart zoom, and Ai Meta data scrub!!!! Love that !! 

Check it out! Use Your perk!! 




OMGoodness, this is a game changer and a no brainer. I just used it to deliver to my client! The first use of this script has already paid for itself! Thank you James... #PURCHASED

Congratulations James! Look forward to using it!

Hi James.
I know that you recorded this.
Will it be on the crew casts listing later on?

The customer service is amazing!

Congratulations, James.

WooHoo!!!! (thanks!!!)

I'd be looking for a YouTube demo at this point. Something that shows off the key features.

Click through to YouTube. There are more videos than just this one. James being his typical super helpful self explaining everything clearly.

I watched this - good but a little long.

Yes it was .... I thought it was important to show people the real time it took for the script to render and save images. I can make a truncated version.

Have you got any updates on this? I'm trying to figure out all the new features and it's not all that intuitive. Some of the new features look compelling too!

James - how many computers can this be installed on? Assuming it can run on my desktop and at least one laptop. Thanks for this!

I had this question on my head too.

This can be installed an as many computers as you wish, but each installation will run for only 365 days. In my intro video I share more about this ...

Looking for this to do the 5x4 Hurley crop - will it do that?

It allows for custom settings.
James did a Platinum Crew Cast about his on Monday, a separate zoom meeting over the weekend, and has been in the hangout a bunch lately.
If you have specific questions, you can probably just email him.

Yes ..... if you are shooting standard 3:2 crop and you want it to automatically centre your subject and make it the 5:4/8X10 crop that is super easy for the script. But why stop there?

You can add several recipes, crops, sizes, shapes, b/w's and more all to run at the same time. Renames and Organizes into their own specific folders too.

This is amazing!!! Clients are going to be blown away by what they receive. Thank you James!

Version 4.2.0 has launched .... you can get it from your store download.

A big update today. Png support, multiple file selection less than folder, new sizing options, and design tweak. V5.0.4 is ready for you to download from your store.

Version 6 is out and new site if you want to grab a free trial.

Last chance for early adopter pricing. Just saying.

Used it today to deliver to my customer - time saver - awesome!

Hard to believe just a month ago I was introducing version 4 .... when yesterday we launched version 6.1.2 all new interface, features and enhancements. check it out and try the trial.

The updates keep coming version 7.0.2 just dropped and its awesome!!

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