In case you haven't upgraded to Capture ONE 8 grab it this week.

Get 50% off the upgrade this week only.

Use the code SHABANG_PROMO


Bummer, only good on the upgrade.

AMBJAGER or AMBHURLEY will get you 10% off on a non-upgrade copy.

I have not pulled the trigger on getting Capture One yet. I am not particularly happy with the way Lightroom tethers, or refuses to tether without a PC reboot, or lots of reboots and turning the camera off and on.

And waiting for the image to get into Lightroom - which happens in two stages - is a hassle.

But I am pretty happy with the rest of Lightroom. I guess I just need to get around to trying it and see for myself.

I first bought version 4 and bought every upgrade through 8, but NEVER used until this last upgrade and I forced myself to learn and build it into my workflow. I could never go back. My images look so much better just SOOC, and it's so much easier for me to adjust for skin tones, if I didn't get it right in camera. Then just Auto levels and my portraits are ready to go! More pop, clearer, crisper and better tones...and faster!! I only go into LR to print, because it's easier to do the layouts I want with w/my Epson 3880. I'm sure if I spent some time, I could figure out how to print out of C1 too, but LR currently looks better w/out any additional adjustments.

My only complaint w/my mac? If I have a lot of photos in my gallery, sometimes, it takes a while for the previews to render (or they never render) and I have to close C1 and open again. Oh, and I wish they had the 5x7/8x10 crop guideline overlay like LR. When going through hundreds of dance recital photos, its nice to know both hands and feet will be in frame no matter which aspect ratio.

Lightroom is a pain in the neck with generating the previews.. I remember it took ages, hence me moving away from Lightroom.. Plus the rendering of skintones in C1 is much better out of the box. Plus I don't need a huge catalog of my images, because I work with the option to get everything based on sessions.. Got C1 2 years ago, never looked back.. I don't miss out on anything in Lightroom to be honest.

Upgrade from Sony to full? Which upgrade do you mean?

If you are a registered Student with B&H, it's 50% off of all products, all upgrades, etc, all the time. No special code needed.

Does being a Peter Hurley student count?

I am in the B&H educational discount program and I don't see any discount at all on the BH website for Capture One.

They seem to be fairly loose about letting people into the program but the actual discounts are rare and minimal. I did get a discount, I think 10%, on a Sigma lens. That was nice. Never on Nikon or Sony, in my experience.

I was taking some classes at the east side school called "Photouno" and just followed the instructions on the BH website for the application. Took a couple of weeks I think.

Phase One now offers a monthly subscription to C1 at $15. I need more information to determine whether it's worthwhile, such as:

- how often do they offer upgrades and are the upgrades free? (seems like no). I assume that a subscription gets all upgrades built into the subscription price

- do they plan to offer more frequent upgrades to the subscribers? Seems like Adobe does that with LR/PS.

Do any of you have a clue on this?

Q / Are Capture One Pro 8 and Capture One Subscription the same software?
A / Yes! In regards to features, Capture One Subscription is identical to Capture One Pro 8. As something new, we will release new software features as they are developed instead of waiting for major release cycles (e.g. Capture One Pro 6 to 7). This is true for both Capture One Subscription and for Capture One Pro 8.

I can upgrade from within C1 whenever there's an update available.

For me, I guess the question is subscribe or buy, and I am leaning toward subscribe after my 30 day trial if I like using it. Since there is nothing proprietary about the format as far as I can tell, I can quit paying any time and lose nothing except the ability to use the software.

Although it seems unreasonable that Photoshop & Lightroom are $10 and Capture One is $15.

I'm shooting high volume.. I don't need a huge database with my shots.. I want the ease of being able to just copy sessions off my drive and be done with it. The skin rendering and all the other nice things it has over Lightroom make this my go-to tool for tethering and raw-converting.

I tether into my laptop using Lightroom using a brand new catalog. Then I transfer the catalog to a thumb drive and take it to my desktop. The key is that I keep separate catalogs for headshots, zoo pics, family pics, etc. I just checked and I have 5 main catalogs.

But I will try Capture One and see if it works better for me. They only recently added tethering on the Nikon D750 - so I might as well give it a try.

Sahbummer...just upgraded 2 weeks ago. Missed out on the savings, but it is a great upgrade.

Am I reading the upgrade price correctly at $449? With the discount still $225? The discount is great but wish the original purchase price (8 months ago) would cover upgrades for a minimum of the first 12 months. Between upgrades and subscriptions my checkbook is feeling a little anemic.

The upgrade from C1 Pro Versions 3-7 is only $99, without any discount. If you had standard version, its $249 to upgrade to 8 Pro

Maurice & co. I am interested in getting the software.
What's better, getting the lifetime license and occassionally upgrade or getting a monthly “rental”? I'd tend to the first option, not a fan of renting software.
Looking forward for your advice.

Hey Patrick, it looks like there isn't any difference between the 2 options unless you plan to stop using it at some point. According to the website (…) they both get the same upgrades. I suppose the monthly fee gets you instant access when a new version is released. At $15US a month you'll have paid for a lifetime license at 20 months. Whichever one you choose you can't switch or apply what you've already paid.

I opted for the license because once I have software that works I don't upgrade to the new version right away. Learned that the hard way.

I have come to the conclusion that, for me, buying is better than renting unless you plan on buying a new state-of-the-art camera that is not yet supported and want to have the upgrade as soon as possible.

There are tax ramifications. I have spent a LOT of money that will be tax deductible this year as I am just starting my photography business. The government expects me to make a profit after a couple of years or they consider it a hobby, not a business.

So if I spend everything I can up front, then next year I don't have to make much to consider it a profit. If I spend just a little less than I make, I am good to go in the eyes of the IRS.

Besides, if I am happy enough with the software the way it is to want to use it, will any improvements be that critical to my workflow? So buying makes more sense.

I just bought the thing and am getting the updates too.. I have the license to use it until I drop dead.. I thinks it's more cost-efficient than dropping $15 every month..

Yes, but the major UPGRADES are not free (just updates). I paid $99 every major upgrade, 5,6,7 and to 8.

I just watched a class with Jeremy Cowart yesterday and he complained about Capture One having to be restarted to get the camera to connect. I have that problem with Lightroom and was hoping to solve it by going with Capture One. So, apparently not.

On the other hand, he said he prefers it over Lightroom for commercial work.

Decisions, decisions. ...

Just get it, you won't regret!!

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