PH2PRO Spreecast: 05.11.12 Thanks for chiming in guys!

Here's the link if you missed it.  Psyched you guys were on.  Best,  Peter


thanks for this Peter! I wasn't able to post from my computer...firewall at work, but enjoyed the spreecast.

I'm watching the SpreeCast now. I'm just a bit confused as to what I have to do now. I assume I'm an associate since I took the intensive. I don't know if I'm supposed to have started paying to be part of PH2 Pro yet. I also am interested in the Associates plus program also. So what's my next step?

I was in between my work and sport :) so i was very happy to get the Spreecast. So don't miss the replay :)

Does spreecast have a mobile friendly version? Wanted to join in on the fun but couldn't. =(

thanks for the updates ! Love it!

Good question Jeku! I'll ask. Joanne, you have to be approved to be an associate and unfortunately in NY I'm already full. Here's copy from the terms of use and it only pertains to the NY metro area:

There is no limit to the number of PH2 Associate photographers in a given area of the world except in the New York Metropolitan area. Since Peter's base studio is in New York, his associate photographers are hand selected and shoot primarily out of Peter's NY studio. Once an associate or two have been placed in NY and are actively shooting then there would not be any new associate photographers granted in the NY area until a space has been vacated.

Hope that makes sense. I have to be pickier in NY because of the amount of referrals coming in and the fact that I am here 90% of the time.

Thanks for clarifying, Peter! I understand :)

I think the same should apply everywhere .. Competition is good but there shouldn't be too many in one city ... This comes from someone not being accepted (yet ;) ) but I think it's crucial not to overload it ...

I'm having a tough time with that Markus. For example, I have a ton of talented photographers in Washington DC. About 6 of them have taken the headshot intensive. They are all good and I don't shoot there, so I really wouldn't know who to pick as the best. In NY the associate photographer works directly with me out of my studio. It's a big difference. I built my business by being creative not competing(always felt I was competing against myself) and I think the clients will gravitate towards the ones that show the most creative work. I don't think I'll overload a city anyway. It's totally up to the photographers that get accepted as to whether or not they go for it.

Sounds like a classical conflict of interest :) Your photography business would probably be better off with the limit to some kind of elite in place while the coaching calls for as many associates as possible :) To me personally it doesn't make a difference right now but those are my thoughts ...

It will all work out. Trying to find the best talent that's all.

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