April's 30x30 challenge results!!!!


Well I hope you pushed the envelope in April to get as many people in front of your camera as possible. I've got some giveaways for a raffle for anyone that photographed and delivered images to 30 or more people!

$50 B&H Gift Card
1 Art Behind The Headshot(first person who doesn't have it yet)
1 Illuminating The Face(first person who doesn't have it yet)

If you shot over 100 people then I'm sending you a T-shirt and SHABANG mug! So let me know. Obviously we are on the honor system here, but I trust all you guys, so don't be afraid to give us your numbers even if you didn't hit the 30 person mark.

I appreciate you all working hard to fire this up and I'm excited to see all the results. My official number has yet to come in because I have to tally it, but prior to this week I was at 51. I'll go through all the work from this week and fire up a final number.

Thanks for participating and I'm happy to announce our top 10 shooters worldwide! Let's go!


Mike, you are an animal :-)

Great stuff, I hop you got a lot of fixes and corrections for the month. Wohoo...

Ha, check out Delane Rouse!

Just 17 booked for May so far... One today, but I know it's not so much about the numbers, rather a good mix of higher value sessions with a few test shoots. No freebies scheduled in May.

Inspired by your 54 people in one day I'll be shooting 38 people in one afternoon next month haha

Managed 13. Loved every session. Would like to see more challenges like this. Good times!!!

I had a month packed with Bat Mitzvah stuff for my 13 year old, but I capped off at 26. Was good to fire up some sessions. Whats better is that I can see the nuances that I'm focused on now, that I was missing in my earlier work!

I shot 28 plus a sorority of 80 girls (group shot) does that count?? :)

296 for the month of April. All paid.

I shot 6 in April and, I know this doesn't count, about 12 the last two weeks of March. All great learning experiences.

Shot two events with tons of people, but only 20 headshots.

I managed to get in only 7 while juggling around my work schedule. I received plenty of help from fellow Crew members, and for that, I already won...thanks so much Crew! It's not 296, but I feel I learned a great deal. Congrats to everyone!

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