About Peter

Pete Herzog, born in 1943 in Coburg Germany. I came to the United States in 1952. Being an Army Brat I’ve lived in many places. I’m a Vietnam Vet (1968). Graduated from college in Montana with a B.S in Business Administration. I lived in Montana until 1999, at which time moved to the Seattle, WA area to be the controller of a mechanical insulation company until Feb. 2011. Then moved to Maricopa, AZ. which will be my "Snow Bird House" and in Spring through the Fall, I will reside in Billings Mt.

About nine years ago I received a black and white portrait for Christmas of my nephew, and that is what got me started in photography. With that one picture, I felt a connection with the black and white image. I knew at that instant, that I wanted to be a photographer and capture images that will allow me freeze those moments and feelings in time.

Photography is all about the subject, composition and light. In addition to all of that, I want my images to convey emotion. The world we live in is not a perfect place and some of my images will show that. I try and tell it like it is through photography. That being said, I also want to bring out the beauty that we find in nature. The great feeling we get when looking at a majestic landscape, a bright and colorful sunset in the Southwest, the blue-green ocean waves crashing into rocky shores, puppies, kittens and babies.

A lot of us look at the world around us through rose-colored glasses and only see what we want to see. Hopefully through my images, people will get a chance to see and feel the world the way it really is.

I know that I started late in photography and have and am still learning, but as a vet with PTSD, photography puts me in a completely different mind set. I can be out shooting images and before I realize it, it's late afternoon. I don't know about other photographers, but I get this really great feeling inside when I know I got the image I envisioned. That's all folks.

My favorite saying is “talk is cheap, it costs money to buy Whiskey”
