About Georg

Georg Koblasa, ASC is an award winning director, cinematographer, photographer and an author now living in Park City, Utah. Born in the Czech Republic where he attended Prague Film School at the Charles University. He has over fifty years in entertainment industry working in Europe and in Hollywood where he spent 40 years as Director of Photography and director photographing scores of TV movies, feature films and TV commercials. He brings his extensive experience photographing top industry stars and personalities to his photoshoot with you.

"With my photography I am committed to reveal your unique essence, your inner strength and make you feel comfortable about yourself, as well as in front of my camera."

Georg is married and Park City resident since 1999

Schedule your appointment now, check availability, packages and pricing. Allow plenty of time - average headshot session last up to two hours.

Call, text or e-mail Georg at 435 640-7634 gkasc@onestop.net
Find more photographs at www.headshotsbygk.com