Yorkton based Headshot photographer Lindsey Kautz

Lindsey Kautz

Yorkton, SK, CA
LF Photography
About Lindsey

Hi! My name is Lindsey Kautz. I am a commercial photographer living in central Saskatchewan. I have a journalism diploma from SAIT in Calgary AB and eighteen years of photography experience in a variety of genres. I am based out of Yorkton Saskatchewan but travel through the province to capture everything from corporate events and employee headshots to Saskatchewan architecture and prairie landscape. I have been taking pictures since elementary school when my parents bought me a film point and shoot camera.

My photographic beginnings were back in the days of film and dark rooms and I am thankful I caught the tail end of that magical old tech.

I was in college when the first digital cameras hit the market. I couldn’t afford one at the time so I stuck to my Canon 35mm SLR. I loved that camera. I learned all about aperture, shutter speed and ISO through film, paper and chemicals. All of that translated into my current work and gave me an appreciation for the history of my trade.

I am married to a fabulous man who is my loudest cheer leader. Together we have three amazing sons.

I am a commited christian and am convinced photography has been a gift from God in my life. When I am not shooting or at my studio I am usually at our church helping with kids programs or curled up on our couching reading a book.

That is me in a nut shell.