Sydney based Headshot photographer Travis Chau

Travis Chau

Sydney, NSW, AU
About Travis

Hi Peter and Associates,
I am a MUA. Yes a guy can do makeup as well. Some client suggests to me to pick up a camera and I did. Totally fall in love with photography. Yes I do photoshoot with other photographers to build up my makeup portfolio, and makeup to me is an art form. Sure people might not consider photographer an artist but I have no problem with artist as a title.
What makes me intriqued with headshots mainly the facial features of people. No other one face is similar. I want to capture everything about my work. Makeup only 1/3 done in a photoshoot. The other 1/3 is capturing it and the last 1/3 is retouching for the final print. Yes I am a control freak as well or I like to call it perfectionist.
I do other form of photography as well. Wedding is challenging but I love it. I enjoy landscape photography as well, sure human face is unique and beautiful but landscape is has something else in it that I really enjoy capturing it.
Travis Chau