Getting serious at Gulf Photo Plus 2015 PEOPLE!

The month of March is going to be pretty gung ho for me. I've got WPPI and then fly directly to Dubai for Gulf Photo Plus. 

I went to Dubai and taught at GPP two years ago and it was the highlight of my year that year. I'm really looking forward to going back especially since I am limiting my live events this year, I'm pretty fired up about it!

I've got my new class "Illuminating the Face" that sold out right away and I've set up 2 Mastering the Headshot courses that are on the move, still have a few spots left. The one that I implemented that is the furthest out there is "The Headshot Intensified" and it's only available for those that are part of my BFAS group here on Headshot Crew. That one I'm psyched about because it incorporates all the things I feel everyone could've used, but I couldn't get into the 2 day workshop or online intensive. 

Any BFAS'ers that are interested in that course let me know. I'm limiting that class to 8 students and it's a one shot deal for now, so get to Dubai! 

Anyone else that is part of the crew going to Dubai let me know. Be great to see you there!!! 

By all means jump on any of these classes if you are going, I usually sell out all my stuff, so fire it up:


Too bad the Intensified course isn't offered in Nassau ... maybe a thought for next year?

Can't believe I'm missing GPP again this year... I'm always in Dubai just before or just after it happens

Already signed up for the headshot intensified - just awaiting confirmation from GPP :-)

Frederik! it'll be good to see you again!
I have the pleasure of assisting for Peter the whole week of the GPP, you know, getting him coffee in the mornings, etc etc ;)
For those of you who do not know what it's about, I suggest you read up and get your behinds over here! It it basically becomes a one-on-one with some of the best photography tutors in the world. You won't walk away unchanged as a photographer, with your game seriously upped! And the social interaction is phenomenal!
As Peter says, the remaining slots are filling up very quickly. I was over at GPP a couple of days ago looking at the bookings, and to say the least, if you don't get going, you'll be missing out.
For those mumbling over the costs, believe me, it's worth every penny. You will not regret it. Pay it off. Get a second job. Sell your wife/husband/kids/bodies.....just get here!!!!!

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