1 Month in on the Headshot Crew Fitness Challenge and going strong!

Ok guys! It's been a month and I hope everyone is hanging tough with their fitness goals. 

On 12/31 I weighed 230 lbs. I'm down to 209 now and feeling pretty good. I did go out last night and overdo it, I was down to 207 a few days ago, but these things happen. I'm still on it and hope you guys are too. Feel free to update shots to me by adding them below if that function is working(it's coming soon) or send them to me at info@headshotcrew.com

Most fit photographer for February gets a $50 gift card from B&H! Not sure how we'll pick, but we'll figure it out. 

So let's do this! Here's my scale shot and my before and after below. 

If you want to check the original post you can here: http://headshotcrew.com/post/93304

Also, you may notice there is a slight color temp difference between the 2 shots. I changed my bulbs in the kinos and the new ones are a touch redder and cooler. Interesting to note! 


Sigue Así Master!!! what a nice job... Go Peter Go!

Steady as she goes, Cap'n! I'm in it for the long term and my "rate of loss" targets are very conservative. Still, one month in and I'm at 200.6lbs which is a 9.2lbs loss from my starting weight of 209.8lbs. I wasn't able to exercise for the first two weeks of the month due to illness but it's still a result I'm more than happy with. I know from my major weight loss program of 4-5 years ago that it gets tougher and I'm OK with the rate of loss dropping to 1lb/wk as long as it's sustained. If so, in six months from now I'll be where I want to be. Experience shows that the body adjusts to your regime so I've found it's key to "mix it up" as far as diet and exercise is concerned as the months go by.

I'll grab photos later (at work right now) but I'm still with you. Down about 6lbs (averaging about 2lbs per week which I'm told is a healthy rate). But more then just the weight loss, I feel fantastic. After a month I have kicked most sugars, eating healthier, feel like I have a lot more energy.

I'm loving this.

I'm sure I'll slow down now. Most of the weight I had was holiday madness eating and now it's going to be a much slower process. Still working at it and looking forward to getting below 200 soon!

That's amazing progress - kudos for the commitment and results so far. My update: start/current/goal = 183/173.4/165.

Re: temp with the new bulbs is slightly but noticeably warmer - healthier skin tone

My money's on whichever watercraft you're sailing this summer!

Still hanging tough - quite depressing to see the images though, the change isn't as visible as it feels. I'm down with 9lbs and three inches on the waist.

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