Workshops are on fire PEOPLE!!! I'm headed for a European Vacation!

Thanks everyone for making my Headshot Intensive Workshop such a huge success!

I'm selling out all over the place and am adding new dates for the coming months this week, so be on the lookout for that.

For anyone who has taken the workshop already you are invited to go to my 4hr class called From Zero to SHABANG! during the Fstoppers Workshop in the Bahamas. My Headshot Intensive workshop there has already sold out, but hopefully you'll make it for some other courses and to join in on the fun at Atlantis. I'll also be announcing a sailing trip down there that I'm putting together and it should be up on the site soon.

Headshot Intensive Dates and space:

Chicago March 22-23 a few spaces left order online now!

NY June 21-21 coming online this week.

Stockholm July 5-6 coming online this week.

Zurich July 12-13 coming online this week.

London July 19-20 coming online this week.

If you want to join any of the Europe workshops I suggest you sign up as soon as you can. I'll get the links online for it and hope to see you there! I usually have waiting lists for my workshops, so feel free to let me know if you want to be on a waiting list if one is sold out.

Thanks again for all the support and I'm so glad you guys are learning a ton from this information. It blows me away every time I teach it to see what you guys do with it. It's been a total SHABANG!


Good job, Peter! Keep the hustle going strong!

See you in Zürich!!!

Zurich in the Springtime.......ahhhhhhhh.

Glad you guys are fired up. Thanks for the signups, can't wait to work with you guys!

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