Best Open Mic Crew cast ever.... ? Executive review Thurs 26 Jan 4pm EST


We had a tonne of people on this Open Mic crew cast smoothly led by Ben Marcum.

Mike Schacht gave some awesome insights and advice into pricing and pitching for group headshots, thank god these crewcasts get recorded as the information being dished out was gold.

If this had been a headshot shoot, and you'd got a Shabang'n shot, you could say stop the shoot, we ain't beating that. This was one of those moments.... Thanks Suzanne Covert for the question.

Alaina gave us insight on how she uses cookies in her marketing... and we got to get a tour of her studio.

And some discussion about Slate Headshots.. 7 seconds moving headshots for actors..

Oh and Jason Ranalli said on camera that he would make Associate by the deadline of Tuesday June 27th !


Very good stuff about pricing and marketing. Thank you!

Gah, sorry I missed this one. Will watch the replay tomorrow.

I heard you guys were on fire!

Just watched the replay! Lots of interesting answers and questions! Learned a lot.

it is bad that i missed it, i registered me to that cast and accidentally fall asleep on your couch one hour before :(

Great stuff! So glad the replays are available.

It was one of the most interesting and info packed open mics I have been a part of! Thank you guys for getting involved and throwing some great questions out there. Kudos to Ben for doing a killer job!

Love this! Bummed I missed it

Check out the replay David! I watched this morning and took three pages of notes.

Oh I plan to! Just got back from a trip to Boston. Excited to replay it tonight and get to learnin'!

Totally agree. Ive been indisposed better part of the past year so this was my first Open Mc...didnt know what to expect. Loved the focus on the business side. Confirmed a frew things and larned a bunch more. Thank you all.

Re: Alaina's cookie delivery idea...when I worked as a Marketing Manager @ Nextel Communications, our sales reps had excellent success getting their foot/feet in the door delivering donuts.

We printed up Nextel donut boxes and partnered with local donut retailers such as Krispy Kreme, Dunkin Donuts etc. Tax Day is an excellent day for donut deliveries (Monday, April 15):

We used this company and printed Nextel-branded donut boxes:


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