Happy New Year PEOPLE! #headshotcrew365 rocked Instagram in 2017!!


I'm fired up for the New Year and I hope you are too. We have a ton of things up our sleeve this year to keep everyone moving forward with their work. I'm excited for what's coming down the pike and want to thank all of you for the supportive environment that has been created within the Headshot Crew. 

We'll continue to come up with some fun challenges to do, so here's one! I'd like all of you to get your Intstagram accounts fired up this year and we are going to help! We are doing a 365 day challenge. I want each of you to post one shot a day for a year. Doesn't really matter what it is, would be nice to somehow be photo related although I'm sure I'll throw in some shots of my girls! Whether it's a headshot or not no biggie, the point is to post daily. I just want one shot per day for 365 days and everyone is going to hashtag it #headshotcrew365 Thanks to Karaminder for coming up with that one. 

So start tomorrow and we'll be off to the races. By the end of the year that hashtag should be packed with some really cool imagery. Also, keep track of your following, know where you started tomorrow. You can put your instagram name and number of current followers in the link below and we can cross check it a year from now! I'm peter_hurley and have 45.3K followers right now. 

Hope you are up for it.

Happy New Year!



I see a fair number of folks with numbers like shown in the screen capture. What gives?


I've been posting everyday with the exception of one or two days.

01/01/17: 305 followers
06/12/17: 823 followers

Growing slowly.

Everyday? Oh boy that could be a challenge but what do I have to lose with my whopping 22 followers ?

wow, this is really a challenge! In the moment I have 53 posts + 352 followers.

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