Here we go again PEOPLE! Year 2 fitness Challenge!

For those of you that were around last year at this time you'll remember my quest to lose 40 lbs and go to the Laser World Championship in Canada. Well I did it and finished 2nd in the World! 

Here's the original post:

This year I want to win that sucker, so I'm going to go for getting down to 180 lbs this year. My lowest last year was 187. The boat moves faster the lighter you are, so I'm on a mission. However, this year I'm not starting out at 230, but a mere 205 lbs. 

This year I do have another reason to get it together as well. We are going on the Headshot Crewz! for those of you that haven't checked it out yet. I think it's a perfect opportunity to get our acts together in the fitness dept. 

So who's with me? We can do regular updates for those that stick with it throughout the journey. Feel free to post any images of your feet on a scale or your body or whatever. Last year got a little out of control in a good way! 


Funny that this popped up. I have been thinking about a diet change and exercise a lot lately. After a two year stressful period, I am heavier and it is starting to show.

1. I would like to kick off with some sort of cleanse, but there seems to be so much stuff out there that it's hard to know where to start. Any good ones that you have tried? I need something simple and easy to follow.

2. What are some of your favorite health / diet / exercise websites or resources? I have to learn more about this stuff and I'd like to find some good reliable sources.

Again, amazing timing. I'm starting on T25 on Monday. I'm looking to get down from around 205 to 185 (which I haven't weighed since the 90s)

Wow! I did not know that AQUAMAN was in Headshot Crew, Peter Hurley!

Thanks to Irma stress eating, everyone in Florida will need to do this again!

Funny this popped to the top. I'm 188 today and trying to get to 185 by Sept 23rd for the start of my World Championship!

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