Here we go again PEOPLE! Year 2 fitness Challenge!

For those of you that were around last year at this time you'll remember my quest to lose 40 lbs and go to the Laser World Championship in Canada. Well I did it and finished 2nd in the World! 

Here's the original post:

This year I want to win that sucker, so I'm going to go for getting down to 180 lbs this year. My lowest last year was 187. The boat moves faster the lighter you are, so I'm on a mission. However, this year I'm not starting out at 230, but a mere 205 lbs. 

This year I do have another reason to get it together as well. We are going on the Headshot Crewz! for those of you that haven't checked it out yet. I think it's a perfect opportunity to get our acts together in the fitness dept. 

So who's with me? We can do regular updates for those that stick with it throughout the journey. Feel free to post any images of your feet on a scale or your body or whatever. Last year got a little out of control in a good way! 


That's awesome man, congratulations. My year on the other hand got out of control in the other direction so I'll have to join you on this quest!

I'm in (we actually started at the beginning of December for the Crewz). Thanks for the warning about this post potentially containing lots of feet. Eeek!

We started with a Paleo/Zone challenge and I've decided to tweak my macros slightly going forward. It was really hard to get in 40% clean carbs for me. For January I am at 30% protein, 35% carbs and 35% fat. Still predominantly Paleo but added in a few things like Whey protein.

The begging of June 2015 was a scary time for me. I started having strange feelings in my chest. Similar to what "squeezing" might feel like but more of a pressure. My Doc. sent me for a fitness test and I reached my target heart rate way too early...5 minutes in. The heart surgeon doing the test found no abnormalities. But I was out of shape big time. The chest discomfort I was experiencing was likely do to weight lifting.

I started "wind training" July 2/2015 ( see pic. below) maintaining a constant cadence using two bike computers and a heart monitor . Since then I have lost 8 lbs. but more importantly have decreased my resting heart rate from 90 bpm to 78 bpm.

My goal is 60 bpm at rest.

Im in! Definitely always trying to improve in this part of my life. Waking up earlier this year is the goal to a fitter life for me. 5:30am to be exact.

Impressive dynamics. Would you mind to share your routine? I guess you do a lot of core.

This is great! I love how the Crew is such an inspiration in all aspects of life. It is easy to let our health take a back seat but it is so important to keep it on the forefront. As someone who has gone through a lifestyle transformation (hate to call it a diet because it really isn't), I know how hard it can be. Find what works for you, what motivates you and keep at it. It is worth it.

Well just before New Years I went up to 223 lb. and decided that was enough. Last year I tried the keto diet but it did not work for me and I was starting to worry about the amount of fat I was putting in my body. This year I am trying the Dr. John McDougall Starch Solution and the weight is coming off. Todays weight is 219.6 lb.

I'm in! My wife and I started Whole30 on the 1st of January. Starting weight that morning was 265lbs. I fell down the stairs with a filing cabinet that day so the exercise thing is starting slower than I like but I'm playing basketball at the gym with some buddies and got an everlast punching bag setup for the house so I can workout at home as well.

I'm excited to get to a really healthy point this year. Plan on looking very different for WPPI in March! :)

A coworker of mine who is pregnant stopped mid-conversation as I was passing in the hall today and said, "Jeku you've got quite the belly!"

I replied, "I know! I'm just a couple weeks behind you."

Joking aside, I need to get the holiday belly out of the way. I tend to bulk up for the winter being in Germany. It's going to be cold, dark, gloomy, and miserable, but I need to get back in shape.

Just ripped P90X3 videos from my DVD into an iTunes format so I can do P90X3 at the gym with my iPhone. That'll be my guide for the next 90 days.

I'm all over this thing. I need to shred 40.
I actually did a little portrait session for personal training barter at the end of 2015. He loves his images and has promised to pay me with pain in the squat rack.

My shoot tomorrow is for my wife's Physical Therapist. (For her knees.)

It is a trade for services.

I'm In! I need to loose weight I am the heaviest I have ever been.

My wife and I chose to start on diets on Monday instead of on the 1st. It seemed like starting after a weekend would make more sense. On Sunday I weighed in at 249.5 and as of a few minutes ago (but before I ate breakfast) I was at 244. At this weight, my size 40 pants are a bit tight.

I get my exercise walking up and down the hills of the zoo any day it doesn't rain. (The zoo is closed when it rains.) I have been doing this for a while now. It gets me outside, gets me some Vitamin D from the sun, and regardless of how tired I might be, I have to walk up that final hill to get to my car.

Just cutting out sugars and bad carbs should quickly get me down another ten pounds or so, after that I will have to add even more exercise.

Goal? Size 36 waist. Or, about 215 pounds.

Down 10 pounds as of this morning. Curious how bad Peter messed up during his time in LA.

Update: February 1st - down 11.5 pounds

Yeah, I blew it. Gained a bit back.. Dubai next, I have to step up the program.

I'm probably one of the heaviest HSC members at 306. My aim is to have dropped 40 by the time Peter makes it to Europe this Summer, and at least 75 by this time next year.

This has gone a little quiet! How's everyone doing with their weight loss goals? Whole30 is treating me well. Down 11-12 lbs so far in January! Gotta get the gym into the mix so I can build muscle and lose even more. Hope everyone is rocking and rolling! Chime in and share your successes!

I'm in as well. Already started actually. Back on the mats for the first time in a very long time (juijitsu). Working the diet, cutting the bad stuff. Fitbit is keeping me honest.

Last year I got a little derailed after I slipped on some ice and messed up my back. But this year I'm going all the way.

Me too, i'm back on Isagenix, doing 2 day cleanses every other week. At least I can easily eat that in my car, since i'm driving all day!

I did the isagenix one last year and it helped. I might kick that off again for a bit.

You'll need to after the Birthday celebrating! LOL

How do you buy this Isagenix stuff?

Leif Hurst one of our members got me mine. Here's his email:

Thanks... I've been looking at it, I think I prefer just sticking to my raw healthy stuff and avoid indulging for a while...

223 lbs to 214 lbs. I also took measurements of my neck, waist and hips. In each area I have lost 1 inch. Jan. 1st I was obese. Today I am overweight at 214 lbs. I am still using the starch solution to loose weight and do body weights exercises will my oats are being made 3 times a week. I am experimenting with different foods. Potatoes I loose the most weight. I have made a big bowl of 3 bean salad and have been going up but I am loosing inches.

I was wondering how everyone was doing -- glad to see updates here!

I totally don't feel like it today, it but am about to do my workout anyway (it's deadlift day, which I have a love/hate relationship with). Seeing this thread gave me a nice boost of motivation -- thanks!

By the way, if anybody is stuck doing lots of desk work, I can highly recommend building a sit-stand workstation with a simple treadmill. I'm walking at 5 kph as I type this. Can go for hours on end at 2-4 kph and still work fine on anything that doesn't involve major dexterity. It totally changed my life for the better, so I couldn't resist the urge to share in the hope that someone might find it useful. Anybody else working at at treadmill desk?

Sounds interesting Lori, never tried one I did once think about those cycle pedal machines you can have under your desk.

I've wanted and needed one for a while, but we really don't have the space :o( #sittingisthenewsmoking

Good to see this thread still going. Start weight at 1st January was 90kg (198lbs) wanted to lose 10 kilos by the time I next go to England at the end of February.

1st update: Half way there, 5 kilos (11 lbs) down, have been at this stage for a week now whilst I was down with the flu and the temptation to slip back into bad habits was there, but I resisted, but obviously no gym time.

What have I done:

Signed up for dry january - no alcohol - which for me was quitting beer
No potato chips, bread, chocolate or canday.
I'm not a soda pop drinker, but any fluid I drink now is water or coffee
Gym 4 times a week (at around 9pm once I've done the job of getting the kids to sleep etc)

Apart from those things, then to eat when I am hungry.

Biggest challenge for the first week was the sugar cravings (I won't replace with aspartame eg diet drinks) so had to go for natural sugar from fruits etc.

Sleeping better, feeling more energised and confident that I can make my goal.

Keep it up guys, I've got a before photo which I will wait till the end of february to show when I compare how well I've done.

Well folks! This is pretty exciting. Changing only my diet I'm now down 15.5 lbs so far this year. February will be about continued diet changes and the addition of exercise with some lifing of weights.

I have been slacking the last couple of weeks, but did PR my snatch yesterday. Woo hoo! Back on track tomorrow - it's a Monday, 1st of the month and 12 weeks from the Crewz. No more fooling around!

Count me in. This past year has been tough and I find myself at 280... about 50 lbs more than I want to be. Starting to eat healthy again (no processed foods, soda etc) and going to the gym is how I'm going to start off. Setting a goal of down 50 by the time I turn 50... In August. The reward will be something for the business... like new lights or something... just to keep me motivated. Love the idea that we are all doing this.

Hope everyone's fitness efforts are going well!

I'm really curious what kind of exercise/training/recreational fitness everyone is doing. I'm sure there's a lot of variety in fitness approaches here, and I'd love to hear about what you're all doing and why you like it! Go ahead, post your favorite routine! :-)

Hi Lori,

I am finally starting to see some much needed progress. Woo hoo! I do my best to get to an Olympic lifting class 3-4 times per week and just recently started running again. I've tried Crossfit, but it just wasn't the right fit for this old lady. I have an app on my phone that has a Couch to 5K type of program to progressively build up endurance. Once I regain some cardio conditioning, I'll try to add in some Spin classes too before the Crewz.

Here's my latest PR (personal record) on the snatch! I still use baby weights, but after changing my approach recently I'm excited to see how far I can go now.

That's awesome, Jennifer, congrats on the PR! I would love to try Oly lifting but don't have any coaches/classes in my area. Way too technical for me to try on my own.

By the way, based on what I saw on your instagram I think you might be my "sista from anotha mista." My favorite things to shoot are dogs and people, and strength training is my favorite way to exercise (in my DIY home gym). At age 51 I'm more concerned with staying strong and healthy for the long run than chasing PR's (after many injuries I've learned my lesson). I plan to still be able to do pullups and pushups into my 90s (provided I make it that far, haha).

Best of luck with those PRs!

My routine is nothing more than walking up and down the hills of the zoo, carrying about 10 pounds of camera equipment. Heck, my 200-500mm f/5.6 is 4.5 pounds all by itself. Throw in a 105mm f/2.8, some cleaning materials, and the weight of the sling bag itself, and there you have it.

But after the first ten pounds came off, I have stalled, so I need to get on my bicycle and start riding down to the bay to shoot wildlife (mostly birds) there.

You see, I have to fool myself into exercising by taking pictures along the way, as though that were the real reason.

Sounds like you've found a way to make exercising enjoyable for yourself, Steven. I love that it's so simple and that you can do it anywhere (and no matter how old you are). Mix in some shooting and you've got a total win! :-)

Hey guys. Check out my last post from January. I have been super committed to my goal of getting my heart rate to a resting 60 bpm. I just strapped on the Polar and was amazed to see it at 61 bpm. Albeit for a fleeting moment, and not 60 yet, that's pretty darn close. I think in another 4 months I should be able to hold 60 bpm or less for more than 5 minutes.As far as wieght loss goes I havent really lost any more wieght. But I am only 15 lbs. overwieght so not to worried there. Anyway, how are the rest of you guys doin with your goals?

That's great Rocky!

It was slow going, but am down 15 lbs. since February and about 3 from my original goal. Time for a new goal!

Way to go Jennifer! Like you, I'm close to my goal and will probably need a new one. Didnt think that far ahead. You know, Ive never had a desent set of abs so....yikes I might have to post my before ab.:)

I've been going to Pure Barre since February/March this year. It's a great workout, not cardio but kind of a pilates, really a challenge for core and legs. I have not lost any weight, but I'm stronger for sure. I'd like to lose like 15 lbs, but I can't stop myself from eating snacks!

I know right! I can't believe my heart rate has improved so much despite me abusing my body with granola bars, and Nutella and Graham wafers.

It's been six months since I've sworn off all bad carbs. Just back from the doctor yesterday. Resting heart rate 50 bpm, blood pressure 90/60. Onward!

Just started three weeks ago ideal protein diet love it so far. Lost 20lbs in three weeks and 14 inchs in my entire body all over.

I remember when you posted this in 2016 and I was feeling shit about how I'd let myself go also. I commented below that I was going to join you on the quest. It took me until August 2016 to get in a position to focus on it. So here you go, 12 months of change. Going from 234lbs to 194lbs. Thanks for the inspiration! ;)

Way to go Jason!

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