About Jim

Jim is a passionate, sensitive visual artist that combines all aspects of design into a single image you will just fall in love with. This active photographer, graphic designer, web content creator and t-shirt artist can really get you going with the punch of a six pack of energy drinks!

It’s hard to pin down just one of his passions, as Jim spends most of the time bouncing about each of his daily tasks with daunting ease. He is just as comfortable creating a portrait, designing a commercial logo, coding a website or wrangling a t-shirt sketch. Jim is not only a jack of all trades, he has some mad master skills too.

Jim’s natural ability to learn, eagerness to excel and his disarming personality, quickly helped him raise through the departments at Teleflora, Inc. over a 30 year period He has done it all, from individuals custom websites, editing images, corporate portraits, advertising, brochure layout, macintosh hardware / software tech support, client satisfaction, etc. A full 30 years in one company actively involved in it’s growth ultimately it’s success.

Jim dedicates most of his energy to working as a full-time professional photographer and graphic artist.

Jim specializes in people portraiture as well as real estate and product imagery. Not only does he love creating imagery, Jim loves to use his graphic design skills on his beloved Macintosh computers. Yes, he’s a FanBoy. He is co-host on a casual, weekly podcast called FotoFacts Podcast, designed to be another creative outlet to help young photographers.

When you meet Jim for the first time, he would love it if you would give him a high five while you’re saying “Macs Rule”!