On this additional 3rd day, you'll spend time working with Peter during a one-on-one session while applying the process and techniques that have been presented during The Headshot Intensive workshop.
The 3rd Intensified day is open to anyone who has previously attended The Headshot Intensive whether you've taken it the two days prior or at any other time. Only sign up if you are taking the 2-day workshop just prior to the additional 3rd day or if you've already graduated from the Headshot Intensive in the past. All BFAS alum are invited to sign up. The 3rd day isn't discounted for alum due to the small class size.
Using his acting chops Peter will take on the role of a human you will be photographing for personal branding purposes. Peter will jump back and forth from that personality to himself to give you concise feedback on your shooting/coaching skills. It's meant to be a fun twist for you to navigate, but Peter is there to help the entire time to make the most out of it for you.
Requirements for the class:
- You must have previously taken The Headshot Intensive Workshop and have your BFAS degree.(This may have happened in the previous 2 days)
- Must have a camera with a lens that hits somewhere between the range of 85 to 105mm with either a prime or zoom lens on a full-frame camera.(cropped sensors are fine with a shorter lens too)
- You must shoot tethered to a computer with preferably Capture One software.
- You must have a tripod that can reach 6 feet in height and has a ball head attached.