Daniel joined the Headshot Crew in 2021 and grew his business to the six-figure level within 12 months. Since then, his business continues to skyrocket. He travels the US doing headshots for his executive clients, has appeared on multiple podcasts, and coaches other photographers and entrepreneurs. With a background in teaching, he's ready to bring his valuable insights to help other photographers accelerate their businesses.


  • Entrepreneurial Mindsets: Eliminating negative mindsets that keep your business from profitable growth
  • Website Basics: Convert website visitors into paying clients
  • Client Experience: The secret sauce that turns clients into brand evangelists
  • Networking: How to build a community that wants to work with you
  • LinkedIn/Social Media: More than just a billboard for your brand
  • Sales: Close deals by connecting with people
  • Time Management: How to get the most profitability out of your 24/7
What are People Saying?
Here's what some Business Accelerator graduates have to say about the workshop.

Daniel has been so generous with his time and knowledge...the talks I've had with him have been instrumental in the growth and development of my skills and business.

Daniel helped me immeasurably with sales calls, which really increased my confidence when speaking to prospects. If you’re looking to bounce ideas or questions related to your photography business off of someone with a thriving business and an open-book style, Daniel is your guy!

Daniel’s expertise is invaluable...I needed someone who is patient and willing to go in depth on the why’s and how’s, and he did all that. By following his teachings, I have definitely gained a few major clients that I otherwise wouldn’t have.

The business accelerator was a game-changer for how I approached my photography business. It shifted my mindset from seeing myself as just a technician to embracing the role of a business owner. Since completing the program, I've attracted higher-quality clients, become more active on social media, and learned to price my services properly. The result? More inquiries, more bookings, and I’m earning more per session than ever before. This experience has truly boosted my confidence as a business owner.