I am a retired Chief Petty Officer who served 22 years in the Navy. I didn't discover my passion until about eight years after I retired.
My journey didn't begin with a curiosity of photography, it began as a "collateral duty" with my 9 to 5 job. I was to use the commands camera and take photos of award ceremonies, potlucks...you know, small events. I knew NOTHING about cameras but, since all of my photos were beautiful, I just thought I was naturally gifted.
One day our big boss show up to give an award to one of our members. Unknown to me, someone switched the camera from automatic to manual and I couldn't get the camera to do anything. I was so embarrassed that I decided I wasn't going to let a camera beat me and began learning as much as I could. Then something happened. Similar to meeting an archenemy and realizing you like them, I slowly began to like photography.
Next thing you know, I bought my first camera (Nikon D7000), began going on nature trips to New Mexico, Europe, Virginia, Pennsylvania with one photography friend, street photography/photojournalism/nature trips with another then local road trips with my dad, who I discovered, loved photography, too.
Initially, I was all about landscape until I shot a football game, then a wedding. That's when I knew, I wanted to photograph people.
Now, I own the Nikon z9, z6ii and z6iii. I work with a local wedding company, have shot jiu jitsu, waterpolo, basketball, volleyball, headshots, birthdays, and many other events.
You never know when you'll find your life's meaning. It could be right away, or like me, it could happen later in life. Either way, it is here and I am going to embrace it!