The heartbeat of Dave Weber’s photography is giving his clients the tool of a great headshot that opens doors in their professional journey that may have been previously closed. He works with many young professionals who are up-and-coming movers and shakers in the community.
Dave started learning the basics of photography as a teenager and instantly was captured by the power of a moment frozen in time. While raising his four children, he worked in the building material manufacturing industry as a salesman but was always taking photos of his children and capturing memories with them. The camera was always a part of every adventure.
After his children were grown, he was able to spend more time in photography and started a part-time photography business. He also started taking classes and attending workshops to learn all he could to take his photography to the next level. He was able to learn and be coached by many fantastic professionals, such as Peter Hurley, and finally, after a journey of many years, was able to take his photography business full-time in 2022. Photography is an art and craft Dave absolutely loves and enjoys.
Dave and his wife of 40 years live in the mountains of Eastern PA and enjoy as much time as possible with their 7 grandkids.

Dave Weber
Reading , PA
Mountain Top Photographics
About Dave