Saint Charles based Headshot photographer Shane Michael

Shane Michael

Saint Charles, MO
Shane Michael Studios, LLC
About Shane

My story is similar to most I suppose. I started in one place, and found myself in another, with no idea what was in store for me.

My entire life has consisted of art. Whether drawing, building, music; or as much of my youth showed, writing; words led to photography. I discovered a means to create ANYTHING my mind could conceive, and in an astonishing.

Long before I became a headshot photographer, I was, and still am, a composite artist. the idea of being able to blend fantasy with reality has always been an infatuation for me. Yes, I may have played Dungeons and Dragons many, many, many years ago. What I also found was a way to tell my own story, my own pain, laughs, loves, and ideas of what I wished the world to be. Sometimes, just being able to pretend, for even a moment, can be enough to cleanse the energy.

Photography is not just about taking pretty photos or capturing memories. It’s about creating a story, and it’s not always your own. For many of my clients, it’s therapeutic. It’s way to get closure from trauma, overcome loss, and even discover parts of themselves that’s been locked away all of their lives.

I am now 42-years-old, and one of my biggest regrets is not discovering my passion sooner. However, with mistakes come wisdom, and I believe photography found me when I needed it the most. I believe I had to suffer just a little more, fight back a little more, experience life, in order to find my success in this industry.

I am sure reading this, you may be questioning, “What or how is this my story?” The answer is simple, you are my story. Every client, person, friend, even enemy I meet, is my story. It’s through all of them I learn more about me, and the more I learn about myself, the better I can be for them. The more artistic, the more patient, the more humbled I can become. Art can only be loved when it can be related to, and every piece should tell a story. No matter if it’s a family session, senior, wedding, boudoir, or a personal project, there must be a truth.


I am an advocate for all things taco

I have watched all the Harry Potter movies, and I sing Disney songs in the shower while dancing with a toothbrush microphone.

Go-to cocktail: Tito’s & Lemonade, although, I really am not a drinker

Favorite movie: Happy Feet

Favorite TV Show: Naked & Afraid/Family Guy… It’s a tie and history documentaries

Favorite Book: Strange History

Hidden talent: Changing the words of songs and making them completely un-hear-able again

Pets: French Mastiff/Bully named Charlie – A Siberian Husky named Misty – and a Great Pyredane named Nala

Favorite quotes:

“You can’t bite your own teeth. You can’t taste your own tongue. And you can’t touch the tip of [your] finger with the tip [of the same] finger. And that is why there is always an element of profound mystery in the problem of who we are.” — Alan Watts

“If we are lucky, we will savior two kinds of adventures in our lives. The ones written in the sands, only existing till the rise of the tide, and the ones written in the stars, built with vitality, energy, and balance. ~ Shane Michael

Outside of my life as a business owner and photographer, I am a father of four highly energetic children, and husband to the most understanding and beautiful woman in the world. We love traveling and seeing new sites, as well as hunting for those forgotten desolate locations, and arguing over what’s for dinner. In our home, we believe in being passionate, entertaining, truthful, and leaving the world better than we inherited it. I teach my children life is about making an impression and to set out to build positivity and fun around those they encounter.

The longer she and I are married, the more I wonder how drunk was she to say yes? I am a handful to live with, and I am always looking for new ways to embarrass her, but nonetheless, she loves me till death do us part… or she smothers me with a pillow in my sleep. However, I see her with humility in my heart and a quiet admiration because without her, I would only be half of myself. We’ve had 16 years together, and if I can manage to keep her away from the knives, forever to remain.

Our children are 19, 13, 8, and 7, and are all still alive… Say what you will but with two daughters, and two Irish twin boys, it’s a surprise any of us survived. However, they are my youth and my inspiration.

I hope this gives you an insight of who and what I am, and I am beyond grateful to bring that same passion to each and everyone of you!!!